Is this not a ea game ?

Says right on there rules on cheating. By Elise Murphy - Sr. Director, Game Security & Anti-Cheat


At Electronic Arts we are committed to creating a safe and fair experience for all of our players. As outlined in our Positive Player Charter, we ask everyone to play within the rules of the game and refrain from tampering or using cheats. Our Game Security & Anti-Cheat team has been hard at work building and supporting technologies that enable us to best protect our players' interest in fair play, and that’s why we are announcing the launch of EA anticheat.

So you owe special what's going on here it doesn't pop the follow the rules of all the other EA games. I'll talk to people and I'm talking about 40 or so in the clan that I'm in it's a big clan. We're going to be emailing it EA and we're going to be like this game does not follow the rules like all the others. The company in charge runs it like it's a personal piggy bank and does not follow any of the EA rules or regulations. We don't have any customer support and the botters and the scriptures have run rampant. Or sick of it. New management is needed to save the game. The people want to do some investigation and find out who we need to contact to EA we will flood them on emails.


  • KingKing Posts: 143
    IBTL  -  Idocguy asking to follow rules, FUNNY
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    You know king of already told you once I'll tell you again I'm not IDOT guy I was on his team. And King you Scripps so much bro Don't even talk I swear to God on a holy Bible some of you people are insane your stalkers your mentally ill I don't know. But when you say stuff like you just did you don't know who's behind the PC and you're saying people who are not them you're just playing crazy bro. I told you once I didn't want you replying to my post I don't like you You're scripter/ boter . And you like to start stuff and I don't want to hear a word from you ever ever again.. I asked you to leave me alone. You're a whack job bro. And you're just mad that if something happens you will be bad and you would be.
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    idocguy everyone knows is you because as usual you cant type in English, your words and sentences, make no sense as usual. you cant hide that, when you type in gen chat , everyone knows is you.  bye.
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    you Scripps so much bro Don't even talk I swear to God on a holy Bible some of you people are insane your stalkers your mentally ill I don't know

    you need any other example than your own???? LOL LOL LOL
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    King . You're a known voter/scripter. You have a website where you sell gold and houses and items and game. Anyone who believes you which no one's responded back you're probably get like AR and his hunter accounts try to stick up for you but no one believes you. I don't cheat I've been in groups and they cheated and I was like wow they let you guys do that. I was in AR's iDoc team . And I was in scribbles team . I've always looted by hand I've always found my houses by running around. Those people they script hard. It is insane what they can do. If I did that they would ban me. Trust me King if I was scripting masana hates my guts. She would ban me so fast. I don't script. I have three accounts I play so little nowadays I used to have like 11. I don't try to house place no more it's no point you can't beat the scripters. I just chill and play the game like you're supposed to. You're mad that I'm trying to rally everyone to get it bad to get rid of you people. Why do I want to rally because you people have been rude to me for years think of it as payback. Going to hit you where hurts most your wallet. Your gold selling scripting loser . You and your buddies You're all the same no one cares. This is a EA game and it should be run like all the other EA games no exception. And we are going to contact EA and we're going to let them know what's going on here. And there will be changes you watch. I got people behind me I'm in one of the biggest guilds I'm not going to name which one. I got people and they talk they don't like the scripting they don't like the scripting house placement. They sure the heck don't like you. Your friends and buddies may not like me cuz I'm trying to get you guys shut down and you don't make money. And that is the truth of it You're afraid you will lose all your money. You don't have a real job you spend 10 to 12 hours a day. Setting up bots loot and stuff setting up auto kill scripts setting up house placement scripts. Telling you now those days are coming to an end. We will rally we will tell EA and EA will either tell this management company to do its job or they were replace them. You're nothing but a cyberbully and a stalker.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Ultima Online name is property of EA, they will never give up ownership of the name.

    Broadsword operates UO.  So, EA does not put anti cheat mechanisms into UO.  Broadsword would have to do that.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    We don't need this.
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