Christmas Early, thank you Devs! HUGE



  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    Y'all clearly under estimate the extend of the problem.. maybe it's because i play mostly on Fel.. but i'm not lying only 1 dude on the 15+ characters i fought since june, was not frame skipping.. 1/15 from my own experience was legit.

    To me I take it the same as the Free Player Killer problem.. we need them.. but if they are more than ~5% of your community it's a problem.. same for those cheaters.. we need them to a certain extend (EX: to sell potion to non crafter) or the dude helping the noob not hurting anyone nor selling for profit.. he just got his own little army (like y'all must be doing on high sea.. no way y'all playing legit on CC on high sea)

    Plus we all know u cannot entirely eliminate them.. just draw an unofficial line.. if it's not for profit, your not ruining anyone else experience nor PvP.. do as u want u know, just don't be too obvious with it... like that tamer on CU sidh.. u could think it's 3 different dude playing.. but when u start looking u realised only one was controlled.. if that dude was not sharing nor helping with his 10 accounts multiboxing on the same pixel.. it look ridiculous for the game and sending the wrong message.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    King said:
    I think @ Kyronix idea was to make UO with no PVP.  Great Job and well done. I hope you keep the tab, because UO is about to loose a huge amount of paid customers that will probably just go to a better designed free shard. If that was the intention, great job
    Pfft get out of here with that.

    if you needed scripts to PVP you sucked anyways.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    I did not get a patch on Either Classic client, that I noticed.

    I guess we shall see who is using what programs if this lasts more than a day.  We have some very homemade trains.

    I don't understand how 5 players hitting 1 to 2 hit mobs gets more drops than 1 or 2 players in a group.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    Pawain said:
    I don't understand how 5 players hitting 1 to 2 hit mobs gets more drops than 1 or 2 players in a group.
    It's a dumb mechanic to encourage grouping.. (in my opinion the best way to encourage grouping is harder PvE)

    But everytime i've seen it implemented.. other than the WoW raid zone models.. wich I hate.. forcing 24-40 losers together for the best reward.. I can do 12 max if they have mechanic within the dungeon forcing us to split.

    The worst i've seen was on tESO.. on one hand u had the lead game designer asking us to disperse in cyrodiil to help with the lag.. on the other hands  a group of 24 people was getting 10% faction point bonus per action.

    Here it only make sense.. cuz the PvE is sooooo easy (sampire and tamer are steam rolling)
    If they try to give a boost to friends playing together.. not cuz they have to.. just to enjoy more lucks and having a good time together.

    If I can solo something.. you're on the zone.. I need to share my loot.. if there is down time.. u better just waiting to solo.. here u better grouping o boost your luck.
    Pretty sure this was the idea.

    but yeah.. this is without considering.. or 100% intended; all those third party users.

    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Minion552 said:

    The only fix is to permanently ban accounts caught cheating if they keep losing accounts they will either stop and play normally cause they like UO or they will go to the next game they can bot in either way problem solved.

    I was thinking about this point before I read your post. I can only guess, based on how I see many players running those trains behaving, they've no room in their heads for anything else other than running and killing as much and as fast as possible ALL. THE. TIME. Like, there's NOTHING else. Maybe they're different when ToT events aren't running. But what I see is they've no regard for the spirit of playing a multiplayer game. They never stop. They never talk. They never help. They have appalling manners and offer no courtesies to anyone. 

    I want to stress I'm not talking about all players who run characters with other characters on follow. I've seen plenty of folks doing that who are still engaged with the bigger picture and the players around them. Those I described know who they are. They can't be oblivious to how they're behaving and being perceived. Am I glad to see them forced to take a break? For sure.

    Where you say, they'll either keep playing because they love UO, or they'll bail if they can't satisfy whatever it is that motivates them to play a multiplayer game in such an egocentric way, is what I was most specifically thinking about. I'm sad to think there would be nothing of interest to keep them if they can't continue to play like they have been. The last thing anyone wants is a smaller UO population.

    I've enjoyed UO throughout its many iterations. If there ever is a forever fix to botting I hope the players who've lost the capacity will stick around and find a way to enjoy themselves again. Maybe even in a way that's connected to the human thread woven into the game.

  • I think one of the driving reasons for the rise of bots and why people want to bot with multiple accounts was the change to party loot.
    Not sure abt any change to party loot since I haven’t played UO in seriously like 10yrs (I refuse to play when cheating is so rampant)... but the situation you were explaining was in the game +15yrs ago. Back in the day we would farm Lady Mel in a party, keep party up the entire time & do what we called ‘rotating corpse loots’.

    Everyone in our group would get one entire corpse loot to themselves & we’d cycle 3 or more times. We’d all wear max luck suits, stay partied, & when she dropped ONLY the person designated that rotation would approach her corpse. Everyone else... back the F off, don’t even go near it so there was no possibility for shenanigans. My bros all followed the plan & we got some of the best loot ingame at the time. The volume & quality of loot was CrAzY better then anything anyone would ever get not partied.

    Not to say there hasn’t been some loot update but that mechanic you were talking abt has been around for a looooong time.

    Also, thanks everyone (OP !) for adding more detail as to whats going on... much appreciated. Super glad to see Dev team doing something legit w impact, even if short lived... guess we’ll see.


    Ps., I wouldn’t be opposed to reading cheaters complaining abt bans, just a thought ;)
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    Keep in mind they did the same thing in ~july.. the difference is in july u had A LOT of complaint from those third party users on the forum.. telling them they killing the game and a lot of cheater had quit the game already.. refusing to play on the inferior CC.

    This time it's the opposite, very few complaint and tons of cheers.. I suspect those cheers is because of the event actually going on and I feel like people do not complaint cuz they don't want to lose their tons of heretic items they been grinding for free past ~2weeks.. they just waiting like good little boy for the update to restart the machine.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • KroDuK said:
    This time it's the opposite, very few complaint and tons of cheers.. I suspect those cheers is because

    It's because they've allowed us to use a client that isn't a semi-abandoned piece of crap. I was pretty much the loudest person in the world about this before, but now that I have a decent client to use I hope they ban every botter and then go to their houses and slap them in the mouths.
  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    Pawain said:
    I did not get a patch on Either Classic client, that I noticed.

    I guess we shall see who is using what programs if this lasts more than a day.  We have some very homemade trains.

    I don't understand how 5 players hitting 1 to 2 hit mobs gets more drops than 1 or 2 players in a group.
    Depending on the mob, like a paragon, each of the 5 has a chance at a drop vs 1-2.

    clearly the one hit mobs don’t apply but in most cases here 5 characters would still come out ahead of 1-2.  However if there’s enough spawn density, each can target their own smaller mob.

    Either way, hope this lasts.  It was a nice move and I applaud it.
  • Pawain, I dont think bot trains increase the quantity or quality to much on low end monsters. If the group is maxed out it could tho. Technically if everyone did just enough damage with luck on it could.... I don't have any proof of that. Paragons on the other hand.

    Paragon boneweavers, skeletal dragons, skeletal horses, etc are greatly effected.

    Mobile bot trains with 5-7 in tow are great for boosting loot quantity or quality on any of the above paragons. Especially when there are multiple bot trains running in different directions, as one group will do enough damage for looting rights, then the paragon will break off and chase after another bot train they'll do enough damage for looting rights. The process can go on for a while. Once the paragon dies wait for 2 minutes and check out the loot on it. Sometimes, Not every-time, the loot quantity or quality will better then killing a peerless. There are times the loot on a dead paragon skeletal dragon will come close to the loot of killing a Scalis. It's is crazy how many items will be on a paragon skeletal dragons corpse.

    Now contrast that to a single character killing any of the paragons above solo, even with max luck in Fel, with Bushido bonus and a rabbits foot up your arse. You will NEVER come close the quantity or quality of items on a corpse killed by a solo player vs a maxed out partied group of players with looting rights. This alone seems like serious motivation for botting.

    Seriously, if anyone was wanting to start a character on atlantic. Wait for the botters to be active again. Go to a city that is being invaded and look for the above paragon corpses to loot. You'll be up and running in no time.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited December 2024
    After checking around a dozen times cities I can't believe the difference this has made at the ToTs:
    • ALL bot sampires that were there 24/7 are GONE.
    • 98% of archers/throwers standing still in large groups are GONE, still a few people standing still and few people running auto follow
    • NO lag
    • Large groups of monsters just sitting there, ripe for the pick-ins, although towns that sucked before still suck
    • People saying in gen chat they've gathered more artifacts just today than during the rest of the event so far (!!)
    ATL ToT is almost a ghost town, whereas just last night monsters were dying before they spawned. Amazing how many people used these clients as crutches for RMT. Please, I hope this change sticks!

    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    It's because they've allowed us to use a client that isn't a semi-abandoned piece of crap.
    Good point.

    go to their houses and slap t...

    username said:
    Please, I hope this change sticks!
    I envy your optimism.  :'(

    I just can't log in to play enjoy myself.. the reality train gonna hit way harder after getting a good BS sample.. hopefully it does.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • LilyGrace said:
    Minion552 said:

    The only fix is to permanently ban accounts caught cheating if they keep losing accounts they will either stop and play normally cause they like UO or they will go to the next game they can bot in either way problem solved.

    I was thinking about this point before I read your post. I can only guess, based on how I see many players running those trains behaving, they've no room in their heads for anything else other than running and killing as much and as fast as possible ALL. THE. TIME. Like, there's NOTHING else. Maybe they're different when ToT events aren't running. But what I see is they've no regard for the spirit of playing a multiplayer game. They never stop. They never talk. They never help. They have appalling manners and offer no courtesies to anyone. 

    I want to stress I'm not talking about all players who run characters with other characters on follow. I've seen plenty of folks doing that who are still engaged with the bigger picture and the players around them. Those I described know who they are. They can't be oblivious to how they're behaving and being perceived. Am I glad to see them forced to take a break? For sure.

    Where you say, they'll either keep playing because they love UO, or they'll bail if they can't satisfy whatever it is that motivates them to play a multiplayer game in such an egocentric way, is what I was most specifically thinking about. I'm sad to think there would be nothing of interest to keep them if they can't continue to play like they have been. The last thing anyone wants is a smaller UO population.

    I've enjoyed UO throughout its many iterations. If there ever is a forever fix to botting I hope the players who've lost the capacity will stick around and find a way to enjoy themselves again. Maybe even in a way that's connected to the human thread woven into the game.

    I did go on to say in a reply a lesser of 2 evils and it stinks that it is that way. But the ethical question is of moral standing "If botting is against TOS then it should be I'm all forms punished for the infraction" 

    They put them on a time out at best we will see 48 hours of peace from the Bots, they will find a way around it and be back in full swing. 

    I rather have wished they would have done this on Friday giving us the weekend with no Bots. I am with you that lower population is a unwanted side effect to this but same time so many players quit the game cause of it and would return if it was enforced.

    That and the Devs have been given a blueprint to get more people to engage and play the game. Most MMOs see a huge spike in subs with weekend events the math is there the data shows it but I feel deep down they gatekeep this game for the small % of people who either spend big money or the silent loudest voice in the room. 

    I played this game for 26 years now I seen it at its best and worst and right now seeing how little effort is put into the overall direction it's sad. 

  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    Minion552 said:
    I played this game for 26 years now I seen it at its best and worst and right now seeing how little effort is put into the overall direction it's sad. 
    I mean with NL launching, the multi part event they been cooking, on top of the rest i hvn't seen (artisan and krampus) cuz i'm gross out by the bot, frame skipper and the management..

    I kinda disagree.. they been cooking.. but the pub was infested of cockroaches.. they could cook the best food.. we wouldn't know.

    Say what u want.. the effort is there.. is it place on the good element? I would argue it's not.. but they clearly trying/cooking, but yeah..

    Minion552 said:
    I did go on to say in a reply a lesser of 2 evils and it stinks that it is that way. But the ethical question is of moral standing "If botting is against TOS then it should be I'm all forms punished for the infraction" 
    Once more.. i would compare third party with FPK.. not all Player Killer is a toxic griefer.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 647
    edited December 2024
    Yep, just did Solen Hive on Atlantic during prime time, and got 100+ drops in an hour with a Sampire with 2,900 Luck and a Potion of Glorious Fortune, 100% legit Classic Client. I was so enthusiastic about the lack of bots, that i bought Sovereigns and Potions of Glorious Fortune to take full advantage of the lack of bots. I encountered only one bot train down there, and that was the only time i lagged down there. The bots were 100% responsible for the lag on Atlantic, and for crowding out legit players from the event. On Atlantic, there used to be a bot on every street corner and a bot behind every blade of grass. Not anymore, at least not for now.

    Fel is quiet on Atlantic too. The usual shit talkers have completely disappeared from the PvP scene until their cheating clients get updated.

    Us legit players are cheering this on like how everyone cheered when that psycopathic CEO got assassinated.

  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    god damn 100+

    WTG pimp! Hopefully it stays like that!!

    I wouldn't mind dying a few time down there ^^

    PS: i was averaging 13-19 on the paladin and 24-30 on the samp personally per city invasion.. vanilla with minimal luck
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited December 2024
    It's crazy. Night and day difference between last night and tonight on Atlantic. Once again showing how massive and widespread these cheater clients were. I've been calling it for years; they disallow these cheater clients from connecting and you're going to fix 99% of the cheating in your game overnight, and that's what we're seeing.

    The cheaters hate this one simple trick.

    although, I'm not sure I agree with your final sentence, but that's not a discussion for here  :P
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085

    Going from something horrible to just amazing 


    please I hope this blocks them  as Username said above this change shows just how widespread this cheating was

    We all knew it, but we can SEE 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    username said:
    After checking around a dozen times cities I can't believe the difference this has made at the ToTs:
    • ALL bot sampires that were there 24/7 are GONE.
    • 98% of archers/throwers standing still in large groups are GONE, still a few people standing still and few people running auto follow
    • NO lag
    • Large groups of monsters just sitting there, ripe for the pick-ins, although towns that sucked before still suck
    • People saying in gen chat they've gathered more artifacts just today than during the rest of the event so far (!!)
    ATL ToT is almost a ghost town, whereas just last night monsters were dying before they spawned. Amazing how many people used these clients as crutches for RMT. Please, I hope this change sticks!

    People saying in gen chat they've gathered more artifacts just today than during the rest of the event so far (!!)

    If this is the case, would that mean that the Town Invasion Event has a "pool" of the number of Artifact drops that can drop to players throughout each single invasion (like a CAPPED amount of drops) and that, with BOTs active, they take away from the other players most of the drops from this CAPPED amount of drops leaving only a few for the other players to share with while, with BOTs gone, the entire "pool" of Artifacts drops remains at full disposal to the remaining (non-BOTs) players who, consequentially, can enjoy a highered rate of their Artifacts drops ?

    Does anyone know ?
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    popps said:
    username said:
    After checking around a dozen times cities I can't believe the difference this has made at the ToTs:
    • ALL bot sampires that were there 24/7 are GONE.
    • 98% of archers/throwers standing still in large groups are GONE, still a few people standing still and few people running auto follow
    • NO lag
    • Large groups of monsters just sitting there, ripe for the pick-ins, although towns that sucked before still suck
    • People saying in gen chat they've gathered more artifacts just today than during the rest of the event so far (!!)
    ATL ToT is almost a ghost town, whereas just last night monsters were dying before they spawned. Amazing how many people used these clients as crutches for RMT. Please, I hope this change sticks!

    People saying in gen chat they've gathered more artifacts just today than during the rest of the event so far (!!)

    If this is the case, would that mean that the Town Invasion Event has a "pool" of the number of Artifact drops that can drop to players throughout each single invasion (like a CAPPED amount of drops) and that, with BOTs active, they take away from the other players most of the drops from this CAPPED amount of drops leaving only a few for the other players to share with while, with BOTs gone, the entire "pool" of Artifacts drops remains at full disposal to the remaining (non-BOTs) players who, consequentially, can enjoy a highered rate of their Artifacts drops ?

    Does anyone know ?
    no idea

    just play the game and stop thinking up questions

    you might not have long before the illegal program updates, so grab as much as you can

    I can't imagine Skara and Trinsic will have the same amount of mobs, so I would assume it's random. 

    just go kill stuff, a lot of stuff
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited December 2024
    popps said:

    If this is the case, would that mean that the Town Invasion Event has a "pool" of the number of Artifact drops that can drop to players throughout each single invasion (like a CAPPED amount of drops) and that, with BOTs active, they take away from the other players most of the drops from this CAPPED amount of drops leaving only a few for the other players to share with while, with BOTs gone, the entire "pool" of Artifacts drops remains at full disposal to the remaining (non-BOTs) players who, consequentially, can enjoy a highered rate of their Artifacts drops ?

    Does anyone know ?
    Bro, what? No, that's not the logical conclusion at all. Where would you get that from? Occam's razor, I read this as:

    "I haven't been able to get anything done while there were bots or felt like competing against the bots. Now that they are no more I was able to find monster that weren't dying instantly, giving me a chance to kill stuff and collect items."
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    In my opinion you and username saying the same thing.

    username said:
    "I haven't been able to get anything done while there were bots or felt like competing against the bots. Now that they are no more I was able to find monster that weren't dying instantly, giving me a chance to kill stuff and collect items."
    popps said:
    with BOTs active, they take away from the other players most of the drops from this CAPPED amount of drops leaving only a few for the other players to share with while, with BOTs gone, the entire "pool" of Artifacts drops remains at full disposal to the remaining (non-BOTs) players who, consequentially, can enjoy a highered rate of their Artifacts drops?

    When popps mention the "pool" it's not a real numerous hard cap per say.. but the more person on the zone the more spawn there is.. knowing y'all on ATL was capping that pool with the legion of bots.. assuming u both playing on ATL.. both of your text got the same conclusion.

    Personally on Legends with ~12 toon on zone (80% were botted most of the time) I could get 11-13 artifacts per invasion.. alone it was like 16-19 and with 3-4 real person (like day 1; before the bots took over Fel city) i could get 22+ on the paladin. cuz we would work together on necro boss and not messing other real human spawn.. If u see one toon turning left.. u'd turn right; except if there was a big beast like a skeletal drake or an undead garg paragon... personally i would stop and help.. We were even calling necro boss location; for trammel users to join us (more artifact for everyone)

    But yeah when Popps saying there was a "hardcap" on artifact he's not 100% wrong.. just consider the luck/ RNG.. that hardcap was not a specific numerous value of artifacts.. but a numbers of mobs per persona, yes. and that cap vary depending on the city.

    This is why u could tell off the bat ants tunnel would be the best zone to do the tchou tchou train for those cheater, on top of being 24/7 and legit couldn't compete with them.. they couldn't even annoy them cuz it's only on trammel.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • RhelRhel Posts: 78
    King said:
    I think @ Kyronix idea was to make UO with no PVP.  Great Job and well done. I hope you keep the tab, because UO is about to loose a huge amount of paid customers that will probably just go to a better designed free shard. If that was the intention, great job
    Kyronix already mentioned in another post that less than 5% of players are doing this event in Fel. If 95% of players are preferring to do events in Tram, there must be a very niche PvP following in this game. The later is more likely based on how dead Fel tends to be.

    If the game can't survive 5% of the accounts closing, there is something bigger at play. There are probably people who prefer PvE/Tram that spend ~10 monthly account payments worth of money on chromatic totems alone in a single month.

    Also, just so I'm clear, are you claiming that if PvPers can't cheat/use scripting/unapproved clients, then they'll leave the game?

  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited December 2024
    Rhel said:
    King said:
    I think @ Kyronix idea was to make UO with no PVP.  Great Job and well done. I hope you keep the tab, because UO is about to loose a huge amount of paid customers that will probably just go to a better designed free shard. If that was the intention, great job
    Kyronix already mentioned in another post that less than 5% of players are doing this event in Fel. If 95% of players are preferring to do events in Tram, there must be a very niche PvP following in this game. The later is more likely based on how dead Fel tends to be.

    If the game can't survive 5% of the accounts closing, there is something bigger at play. There are probably people who prefer PvE/Tram that spend ~10 monthly account payments worth of money on chromatic totems alone in a single month.

    Also, just so I'm clear, are you claiming that if PvPers can't cheat/use scripting/unapproved clients, then they'll leave the game?

    If so...

    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    The irony in all that.. we gonna have way more than 5% if people can come on Felucca and have a chance to zerg the legit toxic PvPers.. since they can't frame skip all over the map with a tons of automated actions.

    Long term we gonna have way more than 5% cuz people won't be force to cheats to survive.

    And once more.. most of them are addicted and got a way too big of E-EGO to stop cuz they cannot cheat anymore.. this is their life in most case; couple of these gonna reinstall stuff like UOA.

    Empty threat from an insecure, unskill toxic folk; it's easy to say u will stop playing when your cheat engine still ain't patch. (knowing it's gonna come back.. u only taking a force vacation cuz u cannot PvP without your little automated wheels and frame skipping.
    All u have to do is hide it.. u can keep cheating.. but don't be like cookie.. When I hear someone flexing on general.. I mean dude.. u don't even control your character plus flying all over the place with a heal bot pocket.. grats u killed me.. but i still win.. cuz you're a loser.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    KroDuK said:

    Empty threat from an insecure, unskill toxic folk; it's easy to say u will stop playing when your cheat engine still ain't patch. (knowing it's gonna come back.. u only taking a force vacation cuz u cannot PvP without your little automated wheels and frame skipping.
    All u have to do is hide it.. u can keep cheating.. but don't be like cookie.. When I hear someone flexing on general.. I mean dude.. u don't even control your character plus flying all over the place with a heal bot pocket.. grats u killed me.. but i still win.. cuz you're a loser.
    Did this actually happen?

    Do you play Europa, did I kill you like this, or are you again pinning all the previous negative experiences in your life on me?

    If it happened, I find it quite amusing, and at least understand your forum posts.
    If it didn't happen, I am as confused about your posts as ever. :)
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    Cookie said:
    Did this actually happen?

    Do you play Europa, did I kill you like this, or are you again pinning all the previous negative experiences in your life on me?

    If it happened, I find it quite amusing, and at least understand your forum posts.
    If it didn't happen, I am as confused about your posts as ever. :)
    To be fair.. I had your last taunt on nythrax in mind.. the same one u edited 10+ time in 60min to end up deleting entirely (cuz of my sharp response)

    You were telling him.. who wins.. your easy push to win sampire or me with my fleet of throwers.. flexing to him u had gathered a tons of artifacts and him almost nothing... without even considering all the rest u've said or got exposed to.

    PS: u were legit FLEXING on him cuz u were using bots/ illegal third party to collect artifact (on OFFICIAL FORUM) when he couldn't get any on ATL cuz of those said bots with his legit "easy to win" sampire.. I was like.. what a big L.

    PS2: the cheaters on Legends.. had no will to fight me after day 5 (after chassing me for 4 days non stop; i wouldn't back down while upgrading my suit and getting back my timings).. they wanted to be able to farm peacefully fel city on their bots at this point (wich they could have done with the ants tunnel/new best zone for this event).. cuz i had turn on the offensive.. I was still winning against them considering i'm legit (same number of death and kill; alone vs many).. then they started doing unattended train to protect themselves and dropping racist comment when i would flex on them for killing and robbing their bots guerilla style.

    Edit: flash news.. when u compete at the highest tier possible and u've dealt with cheaters.. it mean u've seen them all. You can keep denying it.. but i can read you like an open book.  ;)

    Meanwhile u can't even be sure if u really killed me using a bot pocket healer
    Cookie said:
    If it happened, I find it quite amusing, and at least understand your forum posts.
    U legit doing it (flexing cheater vs legit) while denying it.. total madness
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • firecfirec Posts: 36

    I decided to login to the discord server for these scripters... It's such an interesting environment. A mix of desperation, fear, anger, denial. Them trying to find ways to pay some random dude in Russia to support their cheating efforts is absolutely insane to me. These poor people have lost touch with reality, and are literally addicted to cheating, and the amounts of money being discussed to support it are unreal.

    Could you imagine playing other games with these people? "I don't want to play monopoly with you unless I start with owning all the property and 10000 dollars in my bank". 

    There's a whole lot of folks saying, if I can't cheat I don't want to play.  That's such an, I'm going to take my ball and go home attitude

    Well good, I didn't want to play with you anyway
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    firec said:
    Could you imagine playing other games with these people? "I don't want to play monopoly with you unless I start with owning all the property and 10000 dollars in my bank". 
    I'm ashame to admit it.. but as a kid.. I wouldn't play monopoly with my big sister if i was not the banker.. DO NOT ASK ME WHY! 
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • firec said:

    I decided to login to the discord server for these scripters... It's such an interesting environment. A mix of desperation, fear, anger, denial. Them trying to find ways to pay some random dude in Russia to support their cheating efforts is absolutely insane to me. These poor people have lost touch with reality, and are literally addicted to cheating, and the amounts of money being discussed to support it are unreal.
    This is the most amusing part to me, and it confirms my suspicion that I've had since I noticed the bots in my latest stint with UO. The vast majority of bot and script abusers don't understand the scripts and how they work, and they sure as hell can't write them themselves. Script kiddies, through and through. The "if I can't cheat, I quit" mentality is truly golden too considering this. The most vocal ones aren't even the ones skilled enough or motivated enough to put in the work of getting the cheats they rely on working themselves. Such an adorable level of entitlement they have for being bonafide leeches.
    My pronouns are: Cry/Me/A/River
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