Now Legends is infected with them
We are beyond debating whether they are or not or whether they are "watching"
The automated program they are using is breaking the rules.
My question direct to @Mesanna and @Kyronix
What are you finally doing about them
You MUST be able to detect them??????????
We have seen the ruin events all over the place and the GM's have NO powers to ban them
So please can I ask you to take 5 mins of your time on Monday morning and go to a shard and observe. THIS is how you will catch them
The excuses I hear about lost revenue if they are banned is 100% not acceptable if it is in any way true
action is required, rules are rules
If this is illegal action then as a paying customer I expect some form of action that stops them ,and does NOT affect me
I know you read these messages, so time for ACTION once and for all. The Bots are abusing the game and there must be a way to stop it
I refuse to accept that there isn't
Calvin, remember him @Mesanna ? you were working with him when he had his spreadsheet, so how about getting a new one and banning ALL illegal cheats, I don't care if they are paying, they are cheating
Inactivity is complicity, acceptance and is not acceptable, never has been
My weekend event gameplay on this shard is ruined. So its back to Star Citizen for the weekend
Ban EJ for any aspect of events, and try blocking auto follow for one event
This will either stop it or CERTIFY cheating
There is your evidence, what else will you need?
Lastly, if the bosses are telling you NOT to ban the bot cheats, then I think its right that us legal fools are made aware so WE can make informed decisions about whether we want to support this game anymore
I have 3 paid up accts and I don't feel that I am being treated with any form of respect when cheats are tolerated
Thank you
We are beyond debating whether they are or not or whether they are "watching"
The automated program they are using is breaking the rules.
My question direct to @Mesanna and @Kyronix
What are you finally doing about them
You MUST be able to detect them??????????
We have seen the ruin events all over the place and the GM's have NO powers to ban them
So please can I ask you to take 5 mins of your time on Monday morning and go to a shard and observe. THIS is how you will catch them
The excuses I hear about lost revenue if they are banned is 100% not acceptable if it is in any way true
action is required, rules are rules
If this is illegal action then as a paying customer I expect some form of action that stops them ,and does NOT affect me
I know you read these messages, so time for ACTION once and for all. The Bots are abusing the game and there must be a way to stop it
I refuse to accept that there isn't
Calvin, remember him @Mesanna ? you were working with him when he had his spreadsheet, so how about getting a new one and banning ALL illegal cheats, I don't care if they are paying, they are cheating
Inactivity is complicity, acceptance and is not acceptable, never has been
My weekend event gameplay on this shard is ruined. So its back to Star Citizen for the weekend
Ban EJ for any aspect of events, and try blocking auto follow for one event
This will either stop it or CERTIFY cheating
There is your evidence, what else will you need?
Lastly, if the bosses are telling you NOT to ban the bot cheats, then I think its right that us legal fools are made aware so WE can make informed decisions about whether we want to support this game anymore
I have 3 paid up accts and I don't feel that I am being treated with any form of respect when cheats are tolerated
Thank you
This discussion has been closed.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
PS: we both know the GM gave u that warning cuz it was blocking a door.. even if most people using script to open them auto.. personally the macro is on X
Those GM are gonna give u a warning if u block the bots with a chest.. but won't do a single thing to the army of bots trapped by that said chest (except unblock them).. this is where we are with BS studio.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Hint: They're an Atlantic player who specializes in realty.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Personally I felt like an idiot on Fel farming within the bots.. so I call them out and fight their owners.. when they would want peace to bot freely.. i would farm their bots/turning grey grabbing AoE.. I felt like an idiot PLAYING the game.. participating in the invasion event, being immerse.. instead of just monitoring my accounts while scratching my butt.
PS: even when i'm in my house i'm gonna craft those potion manually.. do as u want in your house.. it doesn't affect me.. but ruining my immersion and stealing my spawn with your bots.. after u failed to chase me from the spawn with your frame skipping cheating friends, while being dropping racist comment when I kill your bots and your protected/sponsor by BS studio.. no thx.
And again.. what a bad take from WhiteDonkey.. we all know mesanna said last summer step 1 was to ban freeloader bots.. we still waiting on step 2.. for this WAR on third party.
She's just avoiding us and looking very unprofessional delivering that type of event.. made for bots & racist.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I know others who sell their script.
Yes, I think there are more players botting, just because it is easier. Times move on, the tech becomes easier.
I actually do not believe GM's should have to be a police force in UO, it is a sandbox, so unless anyone is doing some game-breaking exploit, they should not have to be called in for every garden fence dispute. Players should actually think about the GM's as well.
My favourite solution would be, would be to allow players to extract forms of revenge themselves, maybe even give players more power. The most obvious example is Felucca, players can kill the bots. Bagballs should not be punishable, this is a strange one, if you have trapped 5 bots with a couple of bagballs, that is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. There is this strange conundrum of which rules get enforced. Maybe allow a Trammel Player to put a mark on a suspected Botter - Mark of the Corrupted or something - and if the suspected Botter has not cleared it in 10 minutes - they die instantly? That would be fun. To stop that from being abused - only allow 1 mark per hour. The bot will clearly learn to identify this, and learn to clear it, make it in a form the botters cannot recognise, just a symbol above their heads or something, no writing.
The Devs do try, but in many cases, their fixes cause genuine players problems, or the botters adapt a fix in no time at all, so the truth is, the Devs cannot win, there is no point the high level complaining I see so much.
The Devs cleared all the content in Blackthorns. As a legit player who farmed for a few items there, as it was one of the few decent places for my mage, that hurt me. But then you had hiding tamers, who left their pets down there all day long.
The Devs hit players at Winterspur, with a 15 minute no damage penalty, which was very clever, but then it hit legitimate players, and people complained, and this is the point, people always complain, if they do something, if they do not do something, it always rubs some people up the wrong way.
Complain, complain, complain - can we have a new area for Atlantic?
Ok, here is a new area.
Whay, solen hives?!?! What the hell?
And it's always the same people who complained in the first place.
Now I have nothing wrong with feedback, or Devs being asked to improve things, but this behaviour goes well beyond, it is obsessive, it is aggressive, I think these people are mentally ill, and they should not force that onto the rest of us.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
And I would be familiar, because I have friends...
Unlike others, who I do not want to give the impression I'm accusing anyone of anything.
I also mess around with bots as much as possible, that is my gameplay.
I do sometimes play my sons accounts, when they are unavailable.
They do not have time to farm these events, UO is a grinding game, they do not have time, I do.
When they come on, they just come on to play content, not grind so much.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Who Am I to judge a third party botting cheater? right?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
C'mon guys who are we to judge him?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
The problem is, you believe that 100%, and will run with it for the rest of your life.