Thank you for the hard line on cheating and balance!
I would like to point out the hardline on cheating is very welcomming.
For years people have scripted and had automatic features in one way, shape or form to gain an unfair advantage over others.
This era is now comming to an end and we see the result already.
There are people who are willing to leave UO and play on private shards just to be able to continue their cheating. These are not true britannians with an everlasting wish for UO to continue for decades and decates into the future. For this to become reality it need to embrace the clean UO, adapt and improve the game until the poisones cheaters has been rooted out. We will all benefit of an Ultima Online that is forever clean and balanced, with a cost efficient model going into the future!
Ultima Online is like darwin - adapt or die. Will you be the species that didnt make it?
Only the future will tell who is a real legend and who is not. Lets all embrace the changes and help the devs to a more balanced game with more balance between ClassicClient and Enhanced Client in a world that is exciting, thrilling and full of opportuneties for all!
Long Live UO!
Long Live UO!

What is your next excuse for when you die when there are no scripts?
Your criticism is missing, I hardly show up at events.
Why not improve the graphics component of 2D, and then start fighting macrosers? and very very many why...