Yamato Bots
Recently I have transferred to the Yamato server to do some pvp with a few friends. There is a big issue with people scripting on this server. Not only do they have a bot running the despise dungeon 24/7 they are using 10 archer bots to instantly kill anyone who comes into the dungeon and tries to fight them at the spawn. I have reported this in game many times and nothing seems to happen so I am now coming here for some help. Its very obvious they are all bots and if the gm of Yamato took the time to look they could easily ban them so this doesnt happen anymore. I'm not sure how this is being allowed on Atlantic they would be banned within no time. I have videos of this happening along with the people who are constantly using/fighting along side of the bots. It is ruining the game for everyone so it needs to be addressed. I have pvp'd and played uo on the east coast servers for 20+ years now and im known by almost anyone who pvps. Its sad and crazy I have to come here to ask for help to have this situation taken care of and prevent but something needs to be done.
https://streamable.com/1hg5pb Here is a video of whats going on. This is what happens everyday for pvp. It's actually quite pathetic. If the link doesnt work use the one i posted below as a comment. This is absurd.
We have also sent in the videos to mesanna via email and have been waiting for a response.

https://streamable.com/1hg5pb Here is a video of whats going on. This is what happens everyday for pvp. It's actually quite pathetic. If the link doesnt work use the one i posted below as a comment. This is absurd.
We have also sent in the videos to mesanna via email and have been waiting for a response.

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Looks like they did.
We could all go there and take them out.
it all ruin the game!!!
and even it seems multi-boxing (NOT just multi-client).
gm or dev should make some action for that.
My name is Cookie.
I am also being beaten by Bots in pvp...
*shuffles his feet, look's down nervously*