Yamato Bots

PapaCrunchPapaCrunch Posts: 7
edited January 2024 in PvP / VvV
Recently I have transferred to the Yamato server to do some pvp with a few friends. There is a big issue with people scripting on this server. Not only do they have a bot running the despise dungeon 24/7 they are using 10 archer bots to instantly kill anyone who comes into the dungeon and tries to fight them at the spawn. I have reported this in game many times and nothing seems to happen so I am now coming here for some help. Its very obvious they are all bots and if the gm of Yamato took the time to look they could easily ban them so this doesnt happen anymore. I'm not sure how this is being allowed on Atlantic they would be banned within no time. I have videos of this happening along with the people who are constantly using/fighting along side of the bots. It is ruining the game for everyone so it needs to be addressed. I have pvp'd and played uo on the east coast servers for 20+ years now and im known by almost anyone who pvps. Its sad and crazy I have to come here to ask for help to have this situation taken care of and prevent but something needs to be done.

https://streamable.com/1hg5pb ; Here is a video of whats going on. This is what happens everyday for pvp. It's actually quite pathetic. If the link doesnt work use the one i posted below as a comment. This is absurd. 

We have also sent in the videos to mesanna via email and have been waiting for a response. 



  • Wow Bot!!!
  • It's a big problem because there are bots on not only Yamato but all other Japanese servers that are preventing me from hunting.
  • actact Posts: 1
    Their guild has a monopoly on champions at a set time each day (when the GM is not present). every day. This is a very malicious guild. It also launches multiple EJ accounts at the same time and automatically targets them with scripts. If you pass near it, you will die instantly.
    Games that allow cheating are doomed to extinction, and the number of people playing them will rapidly decline. They've been doing this for a year. Will GM not respond?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,873
    Everyone can do 10 archer bots, and this is a line we said we would not cross.

    Looks like they did.

    We could all go there and take them out. :)
  • These are the types of problems that are on those free servers people play. This shouldnt be a issue on osi live servers. I'm not sure if they just dont care about the asian servers anymore or whats going on. Me and others have been reporting this for days and days and we dont even get a gm to show up to watch or check it out. At this point it seems like they just dont care. Theres 0 chance on Atlantic this would be allowed to happen. Hard to understand why its being allowed here on Yamato.
  • Whatever the reason they started the bot, their behavior should be investigated and ban by gm. Many people (Non-pvpers/pvpers both) paged many to gm already.
  • I won't tolerate these people who use illegal tools to sabotage us, and I hope GM will deal with them soon. If we're going to do this, we want to fight fair and square! I can't enjoy it now.
  • We appreciate your contribution. I hope that this post will cause the management to recognize the issue and resolve it as soon as possible.
  • auto archer bot and auto champion spawn bot should be banned and/or removed from all shards...
    it all ruin the game!!!
    and even it seems multi-boxing (NOT just multi-client).
    gm or dev should make some action for that.
  • PameraPamera Posts: 1
    Don't forgive sneaky people. In this situation, no one will want to play UO.
  • ZARIGANI said:
    I won't tolerate these people who use illegal tools to sabotage us, and I hope GM will deal with them soon. If we're going to do this, we want to fight fair and square! I can't enjoy it now.
    It's pretty ironic that you come in here whining about these Bots and demanding action.

    What about your use of illegal 3rd party clients that do more harm then some random guy doing despise all day?

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    ZARIGANI said:
    I won't tolerate these people who use illegal tools to sabotage us, and I hope GM will deal with them soon. If we're going to do this, we want to fight fair and square! I can't enjoy it now.
    It's pretty ironic that you come in here whining about these Bots and demanding action.

    What about your use of illegal 3rd party clients that do more harm then some random guy doing despise all day?

    Now you see the problem.  Those BOTs are beating him and he wants them shut down so he can control the spawn.  LOL
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,873
    ZARIGANI said:
    I won't tolerate these people who use illegal tools to sabotage us, and I hope GM will deal with them soon. If we're going to do this, we want to fight fair and square! I can't enjoy it now.
    It's pretty ironic that you come in here whining about these Bots and demanding action.

    What about your use of illegal 3rd party clients that do more harm then some random guy doing despise all day?

    Now you see the problem.  Those BOTs are beating him and he wants them shut down so he can control the spawn.  LOL

    My name is Cookie.

    I am also being beaten by Bots in pvp...

    *shuffles his feet, look's down nervously*
  • ZARIGANI said:
    I won't tolerate these people who use illegal tools to sabotage us, and I hope GM will deal with them soon. If we're going to do this, we want to fight fair and square! I can't enjoy it now.
    It's pretty ironic that you come in here whining about these Bots and demanding action.

    What about your use of illegal 3rd party clients that do more harm then some random guy doing despise all day?

    What are you talking about, I only use 2D clients?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,402Moderator
    As this seems to have devolved somewhat, and the solution to the problem cannot be found on this forum, time to call a halt.
This discussion has been closed.