Siege Governor Meeting 7-14-18
Siege Governor Meeting 7-14-18
I am not even going to post this as shard news at Stratics as I know that they ask that I delete the first snap. Kenzie did remove one tossing it on the Royal Council’s Table in front of the King stated “there are more out there”. There was no need to put a blockage on the Council’s meeting place, I am not upset with the death and did expect to be looted, all I lost were the apples, so.. Thank you Astynax and Or’Grum for not taking everything. But let's quit with uses of the blocking with items, there was enough there to stop most people from entering the Council meeting without the need for more.

King Blackthorn: Welcome to our new governors, and congratulations to those who were re-elected. You have been given a key to these chambers. Do not abuse it. However, you are welcome to deposit any who are found breaking the rules of the chamber into the moat. Let us now hear from our governors, how their towns and cities are faring! First, how fares Jhelom in this new season? The floor is yours, Lady Tanager.

Tanager: Jhelom is doing well! The trade deal with the Merchants of the land is going strong and we are saving up funds to pave our dirt roads perhaps someday! Otherwise, little to report.
King Blackthorn: *smiles, makes notes* *nods* thank you, Lady Tanager I would like to take this opportunity to remind the governors that they are permitted to make two requests of the crown per term should a request be declined, they do not forfeit that request Was no governor appointed for New Magincia? I thought Lord Ironsides was re-elected? well then, it seems Minoc has bold new leadership! How are your first days in office, Lady Perilous?
Siege Perilous: Thanks *nods* sir, good evening sir. nothing new or unusual to report at this time the treasury sits at 19million and I have negotiated a deal with the League of Rangers sir.
King Blackthorn: *notes the lack of singing with relief* *smiles* Well done! A good start indeed! Keep it up! And now, Britain - congratulations on re-election, Lord Starcon *smiles*
Starcon: Thank you I would like to report that all is quiet in Britain The treasury is at 40 million and we continue to run the Bardic Collegium trade deal. Help from the citizens of Britain is the main reason the treasury is so high That is all I have to report thank you.
King Blackthorn: *smiles again* an excellent start to your new term in office *smiles, makes note to lower Britain's taxes slightly* thank you! It would seem Trinsic has been abandoned as well how sad Sir, please do not ride your spider indoors thank you Well then, over to Moonglow. How is that fair city?
Talia: Moonglow is doing well Trade putters along slowly, but as always we have our heads in our research Especially when the noise around the realm gets a little too loud... *looks around* Well, they do seem slightly lessened I imagine though, that the more wily specimens will persevere Survival of the fittest and whatnot...
King Blackthorn: *nods appreciatively* what of the mongbat infestation? We did dispatch exterminators. good! I have also sent word to a legendary mongbat slayer from Cove. He should be arriving by llama soon.
Talia: Llama you say/ is it a Papuan aquatic llama? Good good, he may have a chance then...
King Blackthorn: I believe it may be *smiles* I believe that is due to the mongbats. *nods* a good idea indeed *nods* a good report
Talia: One item of note, I have not seen any orcs in Moonglow and I am thinking of playing that up in our next series of travel brochures That is all the news for this month's thanks!
King Blackthorn: Since Skara, Vesper and Yew seem to be without leaders - most disappointingly - I will turn my attention to the outlying towns and cities is there anything to report?
Magichands: I'm here for UWSP Town your majesty! Your Majesty, governors life in UWSP Town is going well... Our citizens and merchants are happy, business is going well, our warriors are continuing to training their skills and new people are still joining our town. well also killing a mongbat need skills :P In last month nothing special happened in town so I haven't much more to report. but one news our section for NEW player is closed now that NEW Guild is again active so from now we'll support them for everything yep a wonderful news ! anyway, this is all thank you all! *salutes Your Majesty and Governors*
King Blackthorn: *nods* peace is nothing to frown about. Well done sir *nods* I did hear that NEW has re-opened its doors. That is indeed good news for the land. Thank you for your report yes, sir? How may we help you?
Cherokee: I volunteer to govern Yew for the King I will continue to make it a valuable asset for the King
King Blackthorn: *nods* well, we will see if the stone stands empty. If it is - are there any objections to Cherokee being appointed? *looks around the room* No? So be it. After this meeting, if the stone is vacant, I will appoint Cherokee. Meet me at the Yew Town Stone after this meeting has concluded. Now, I note the Liege of Luna is with us. How fares Luna, Bo?
Bo: Someone disgraced luna with plants today some ugly yellow flowers
King Blackthorn: How disrespectful!
Bo: Don’t worry Bo will dispatch justice on that person later. What bout this 2nd blessing coming to Siege?
King Blackthorn: I am glad to hear it Keep up the good work. Every time I visit Luna, it seems to be in fine shape! I have no insight into the mysterious plans of the gods, I fear I only know what they choose to convey to me If I hear of a second blessing, I will let you know.
Bo: or the passive detect too many hiding bitches in these here parts
King Blackthorn: But you are right - Luna's warriors are cut from a different cloth indeed! Thank you for your report! Are there any other matters for the council this evening?
Tanager *looks innocent* I believe our Dark Lady said to watch for the Newsletter for answers.
King Blackthorn: *nods to Tanager* we will watch the skies! well, if that is all, then I declare this meeting adjourned, and the orcs fair game. Cherokee, if you would accompany me to Yew's town stone?

Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

another job of poor reporting on your part. there were plenty of options for you to run into the building, nothing was blocked. It is not the Bo's fault you don't run potions and aren't smart enough to use a refresh when stam blocked by hidden people.
Treasure Hunters
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Treasure Hunters