Starting a New Career: Fisher - Any Advices?
Hi all!
For once in my UO life I'm seriously considering to - *GASP*
- work for a living, so I've decided to try my paws at Fishing
Any kind advice about how to better go at it would be very appreciate!
So, what about the best:
- Race - Are Gargs OK? Don't they frighten away the little fishes "fanning" around the ship deck?;
- Skills Template - Beside Fishing - to this I'm able to arrive by myself...
- what other skills are needed/useful for a productive fishing life?;
- Personal Equipment - What kind of Suit/Armor is better... suited to catch the Bounty of the (insert Britannia number of) Seas?;
- Ship - A whispering moongbat tells me that an Orc Ship is the best option... if one can stomach the stink left by the previous owners...;
- Ship Armament - The same MB tell me that going out in the deep Blue Horizon (apologies Jeff B., and, please, don't sue me!!!
) whitout a "Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" kind of ship is REALLY unwise!
- Where, When and How to fish, to provide Britannia with its needed daily Omega3 font (and me with plenty of GPs for my coffers!) in the most efficient way?
- General Tips & Tricks;
- Where to buy a fishable Water Tile... ehr, no, the moongbat is telling me that this is REALLY a no-no, heavily frowned upon by TPTB. Pity...

TIA to all!
For once in my UO life I'm seriously considering to - *GASP*

Any kind advice about how to better go at it would be very appreciate!

So, what about the best:
- Race - Are Gargs OK? Don't they frighten away the little fishes "fanning" around the ship deck?;
- Skills Template - Beside Fishing - to this I'm able to arrive by myself...

- Personal Equipment - What kind of Suit/Armor is better... suited to catch the Bounty of the (insert Britannia number of) Seas?;
- Ship - A whispering moongbat tells me that an Orc Ship is the best option... if one can stomach the stink left by the previous owners...;
- Ship Armament - The same MB tell me that going out in the deep Blue Horizon (apologies Jeff B., and, please, don't sue me!!!

- Where, When and How to fish, to provide Britannia with its needed daily Omega3 font (and me with plenty of GPs for my coffers!) in the most efficient way?
- General Tips & Tricks;
- Where to buy a fishable Water Tile... ehr, no, the moongbat is telling me that this is REALLY a no-no, heavily frowned upon by TPTB. Pity...

TIA to all!

ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I be a pirate i means Fisherman
I's also have duns all da dungeons able to get drops wit me build i cans do roof or dooms as well
Welcome to da Biz !!
Yes, I know that...
I'm particularly intrigued by the suggestion to use Vollems as Fishing companions (always loved that little critters!
Two Questions:
1. Why the Vollems? For the low Taming ability needed to use them?
2. What does it mean "a fully skilled (not leveled) Vollem"?
3. Don't they risk to rust/corrode in the Sea?
(Ok the last one is NOT a real question...
BTW: More than in fishes, I’m interested in “Barnacle Covered” Armor pieces for my Armor Sets Collection. Has anyone any tip on how to maximize the number of BC Items fished?
BTW2: @Mariah - obviously my Vollem/rust question was only a joke…
As for template I use archer fishers as they engage things at a distance with ease. Snake Slayer bows make short work of sea monsters.
Don't forget crabbing also just another side of the profession.
I use the suit only when going for truly rare fish where I want ever advantage. It only gives a bonus when using baits, so I switch to it for bait fishing. Otherwise, a medium level archer suit works fine. Luck does affect the chests you dredge up so consider it when working those.
Sea Monsters drops fishing nets of various colors and MIBs both having a good value.
Theres still bugs that will make your ship runes not work, ie “This ship can not be located.” Years ago to address this bug they added dock attendants that are supposed to issue new functional runes but in my experience even they screw up sometimes & can’t find your ship.
Less then 2 weeks ago I lost 2 ships because they couldn’t be found. This is a reality for which you’d best be prepared. Before dock attendants, I lost a fully stocked garg ship w almost maxed storage of months worth caught fish, thousands of cannon charges & ammo, and various fishing map loots/pirate loots. Not even 2 wks ago, I lost 2 small ships (1 crab fishing ship & 1 storage ship) due to this bug. Dock attendants did not help.
I would have lost 2 other ships near the npc fish market if not for taking a rowboat (yes, a rowboat) launched from the south end of Moonglow to refresh them. Since I had the max number boats in the water, the only vessel available to use was a rowboat. The game recognized I couldn’t place anymore boats yet somehow couldn’t find them. My runes didn’t work and dock attendants couldn’t find them.
Even tho it may seem like it, I’m not posting to complain. Bugs happen. Am I upset ? Of course... but I’ve not posted anywhere to bitch after it happening. I am posting now to try & save you the disappointment and aggravation of losing everything you’ve spent months or yrs acquiring, including lost status from filling fishing crates orders.
That said, hope you enjoy your fishing experience
I am tired of finding them.
Aka pick up your toys when you finish playing with them.
If u dry dock ur ship after each use ur the only one. Are you seriously upset with boats in the water or trolling? UO IS my toy to play with & boats are part of the game. Stop trying to derail a thread asking for honest advice.
I’m not replying again or even looking at this thread so save ur breath. I was just offering advice I wish someone had shared with me.
I tend to do beacons in Fel, there are no player boats to dodge there.
As I remember it at least part of the reason harbor masters fail to find boats is that they're on, or close to, a server line. Try not to leave them in such locations.