Day 1 of my Return! Dun dun dun. A semi-comedic journal.



  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 16  Just been gathering eggs.  I'm getting gold rolling with it and even managed to barter my way into a 120 Magery scroll.  Thanks Scarlett! I've been playing with a lot of great players and hanging out.  Scarlett, Egg Foo Young, Blue Martian, Eight Ball, Violet.. We've been trading candles and butterflies.  Among many other people, sorry if I didn't mention you.  I really enjoy this event.  I think adding eggs to the champ spawn and having the champ spawn to do in addition to it is just great.  I think the champ spawn is sufficiently difficult too.  I can actually live even with my melee template.  It's hairy in some places and butt clenching, but still fun.

    I saw someone's house she had converted from a keep, that's amazing.  I knew you could do it, but that level of customization was just awesome.  She's collecting butterflies and has this neat altar with a guard of statues with flowers.  It was really pretty.  I wish I could remember her name or had gotten a screenshot.  I'll have to be better at that.

    On the High Seas front I got my animal taming and animal lore to 90.  Magery is also at 90.  All of them are also 120 scrolled.  I got a mastery level 1 book for training and the EJ starter suit for mana.  I'm hoping to get that to 120 this week and get a pet bonding.  My character is a gargoyle so the jewelry to get a pet going now is expensive.  I kind of want to train a Tsuki wolf for a pet, but not sure how that'd go.  A almost pure black one had spawned next to my house.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: 

    Biggest Bug Encountered: During the Artio spawn I ran into a Grizzly that was dead, but it was still standing.  I could drag a health bar off it, but I couldn't interact with it.  

    Today's Question: None

    Today’s Recommendation: The Honesty virtue is very tough to raise.  I don't think the honor gain is tuned high enough even if you turn it into the right location.

    Favorite Moment This Session: I've had a lot of fun just trading butterflies around.

    Favorite Player Seen: Blue Martian

    What I Watched While Playing:  Been listening to music mostly.  Jinjer was what I was listening to while writing this.  They are metal, but Pisces is a good song if you're not a metal head.  Watch the vid for a shock. They're a Ukrainian band.  I was listening to Foo Fighters a lot yesterday.

    Today’s Funny Picture: 24 Dark And Depressing Memes You Might Relate To

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Samantha Kent! That's the name of the person I couldn't recall, sorry.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 17  Got the nice message below! 

    This was a great treat to log into. Thank you! I've got to get used to checking the mailbox flag.  I will definitely find a use for all these goodies.  

    Last night we had a PaxLair meeting.  It's always amazing seeing all the players gathering and having some ribbing fun.  Today I just did more of the same.  I really am addicted to egg hunting.  I've got two rare butterflies and one rare parrot. But other than that, I've collected all the commons except one parrot.  I need to find more perches.

    I've been goofing off with the same usual people in chat and having some good trades.  No powerscrolls today, but someone is buying my stuff on the vendor every night.  Thank you! I hope you enjoy.  It's getting me some gold flow.

    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: This wasn't in chat, but I had a sincere LOL belly laugh over this one.  Dragging a book into my pack was curious. LOL Well played.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: None today.  Good job.

    Today's Question: None, but if someone wants to take me out on some high seas adventures I wouldn't say no.

    Today’s Recommendation: Make mongbats dangerous.  Again? Maybe they never were, but a dangerous mongbat would be funny.  Make it like a paragon spawn where every now and then a Greatest Mongbat spawns and it starts as something as strong as the grizzlies from the spawn but if possible scales based on the number of mongbat corpses around.  Would just be funny to get smacked by a strong mongbat.

    Favorite Moment This Session: It's just been fun trading around egg goods and hearing about people's collections.  Eight Ball is missing a rare butterfly and Scarlett a rare parrot.

    Favorite Player Seen:  Just check out this title box!!! 

    What I Watched While Playing:  Splattercat, a streamer, is playing Rise to Ruins off of Steam.  I've been curious about this game so watching him play it.  

    Today’s Funny Picture: 

    funny gaming memes - Chris Rock - Late night gaming on sunday Alarm clock on monday made with mematic
  • I'm glad you found it so quickly! I got stoked that you found enough gold for a house plot.... ran to try and find it... died by vampire bats... then kept reading and located your new home. It was a fun side adventure to break up the near obsessive animal taming that's grabbed ahold of me since I returned.

    -The De'Ments
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 18 More eggs! I got a lot more rare butterflies.  I need two rare parrots and five rare butterflies.  I got an extra rare red parrot that no one wants to trade.  I think it's one of the least "rare".  

    Scarlett, Slug, and Nanoc got me started on the prerequisites for the Zippy questline.  Slug had almost finished the spawn by the time we got there.  I killed like two humanoids.  I've picked up the quests to get the components of the tinker's quest.

    We ran Navery three times.  No tangle though.  It was still great fun.  I thought I remembered the ceiling falling or something the last time I did it.  Someone must have been doing the switches or something.  I didn't notice it last night.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Chat has been kind of quiet.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: I can't replicate it and I don't know if my eyes were deceiving me, but when I got Hue 2733 rare butterfly it did not have the same look it does now until I moved it around in my pack.  It almost looked like a common and I was confused with the hue ID.  This one could just be user error though.

    Today's Question: None today! Had fun.

    Today’s Recommendation: There's a lot of EM items.  I even got a pet goat last night while doing Navery from an old statue.  Ya'll should do an event where there's a bounty on EM items left in the world and clean them up.  

    Favorite Moment This Session: Just hanging out with guildies/alliance.

    Favorite Player Seen: I suspect one of my usual buddies is using an alternate account with the guild tag Egg!. LOL 

    What I Watched While Playing: Too engrossed hunting for eggs.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

    26 Memes That Nailed It

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 19 I've completed my butterfly collection! I just need the 2758 parrot to complete parrots.  I'll move on to hedges next.  The alliance ran Artio last night and I got the human version of the sash.  It was great fun.  Egg Foo ressed me a couple times and I just stayed near him.  

    Eight Ball and I are competing for that Green Parrot.  He's finished his hedge collection already while I'm wasting eggs trying for RNG.  

    I did an IDOC for the first time last night.  I don't know how it was before but now it's a 11 out of 10 experience.  I think ya'll did a great job on that system.  It was fun and felt very fair.  I had a blast.  I got a lot of stuff and crates I turned in at Buc's Den.  I got a .1 SW SOT.  I got a full set of the Royal Taste Tester armors, including the rare.  I got about 50k of Cleanup point items.  I turned in two empty bags that looked like they spilled out flour and it gave me 30k.  I probably destroyed something important.  

    The most significant thing, to me, that I got was Mark of the Destroyer.  I could definitely use that.  I also got a miner's satchel and passed a few MIBs to an alliance member.

    The house had eggs in it.  Which was odd? 


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: One of the recommendations below came from her when she was trying to help me.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: Here's a pic of the bug I mentioned before.  It's still up and looks alive, but you can't attack it or interact.  It has no life.

    Today's Question: How could an IDOC have eggs in it? 

    Today’s Recommendation: This event could have used better stacking of same hue/design eggs.  I think stacking is a simple mechanic that saves players a lot of hassle and just wanted to point it out because sometimes it's overlooked.  This is not a recommendation I came up with on my own as it was brought up in the chat today as well.

    Another recommendation would be to change the name of iron ingots to add an additional word that can be used to better search in Vendor Search.  As it is today, "iron" brings back more than just iron ingots because they all have iron in the name.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Getting all my butterflies.

    Favorite Player Seen: Karana, she says her and her mother turned in over 1500 eggs yesterday! Crazy.  She also gave me one of the rare parrots I was missing.

    What I Watched While Playing: I'm listening to a Youtuber Minty vid about the movie Independence Day.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    "Today's Question: How could an IDOC have eggs in it? "

    Most likely it was someone who got caught cheating; account was banned and house was put into idoc. I ran into an idoc during the wildfire event that was packed with turn in drops.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,932
    edited April 2022
    Biggest Bug Encountered: Here's a pic of the bug I mentioned before.  It's still up and looks alive, but you can't attack it or interact.  It has no life.

    Yeah, the targeting bug remains a problem. Besides the ghost which forces us to relogin, we are still targeting our summons, pets, when it is not supposed to. 

    If targeting is not a critical issue that affects every players adventure, I don't know what else is top priority. 

    Oh we know some house in an unknown corner of the world is top priority.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Day 20 I'm gonna ask NANOC or team to put a crafter into the guild for me.  I'm really feeling working on the crafting skills over the weekend.  

    I'm working on hedges now as far as eggs.  I'm very intimidated on collecting all the eggs and I think I'm going to skip it.  Maybe if I had been smarter about it I would have done it from the beginning, but I didn't. I've just been helping others on the server get their collections going.  The eggs take up a lot of lockdowns too.  Some are very pretty, but I can't imagine what I'd do with eggs.

    I'm gonna try to spreadsheet out some builds and equipment sets to be more organized like Waffles.

    Thanks Marge for the previous answer! I don't give you shout outs enough in here, but I've enjoyed playing with you a lot too!

    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: I'm gonna change this section of my daily.  I'm thinking of making it a thought provoking/joke question.  I asked last night and got serious answers, but what do you do? Do you make your custom house doors open in or out?  

    Biggest Bug Encountered: This one isn't so much a bug as it is annoying.  Hawkwind will not take no for an answer.  I think the 2nd confirmation is unnecessary, at least at this point.  But design decisions aren't my forte.  I'm assuming you all wanted to make sure people knew how important it is because it's around the new mastery feature.

    Today's Question: For collection purposes, do you keep the parrots as the bird in your pack or do you perch them?

    Today’s Recommendation: I haven't completely thought out my next recommendation, but I'm looking at the abilities for the next few I make.  I really think a balance pass needs to be made on a lot of the melee skills for PVE.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Trading for my last needed parrot.

    Favorite Player Seen: Karana traded me my last parrot and Homer traded Eight Ball a parrot.

    What I Watched While Playing: I'm watching Waffles McGreggor on Twitch.  He really got me interested in returning and his oldest video on Youtube pretty much sums up my feelings exactly the same in the first few thoughts he has.  I'm looking forward to NL.

    Today’s Funny Picture:
    26 Fresh Memes of the Dankest Kind
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518

    Day 21  I visited Corwyn's Library yesterday in Trammel Yew.  It's amazing.  It looks like a great library.  The amount of books were overwhelming. I'll definitely revisit when I have some time to read some history.  

    The Tea House for PaxLair has a lot of useful things I'm finding.  A lot of runes and house teleporters to useful places.  This is a super good bonus to having it next to my house.  

    Today I mostly still just hunted eggs and such.  I chatted the usual group Eight Ball, Homer, Scarlett, Karana, etc.  I haven't seen Blue Martian in a couple days though.  

    I did complete my collection! Picture below.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Homer robbing people in Fel. 

    Biggest Bug Encountered: I tried to trade 100 eggs with another player to complete their collection.  They had 100 eggs in a bag and I had 100 eggs in a bag.  The max items a character can carry is 125.  I could not trade my bag to them because it would overcap them.  They could not trade with me because it would overcap me.  I think the check for if it would overcap a player should be done post trade.

    Today's Question: Any good guides on why luck suits are important?

    Items I'm Hunting: *New Section* Daemon Bone Helm and Daemon Bone Gloves for my vendor.

    Today’s Recommendation: Every stat screen needs an export button that just copies the stat screen.  Screens like character stats, the skill tracker, animal lore, etc.  Just a button that copies.  A player can then paste it wherever they want.  Excel, txt, etc.  There's an export item list button that seems similar.

    Favorite Moment This Session: My collection is complete! I'm not going for every egg.  They would take too many lockdowns.

    Favorite Player Seen: Hang out with Eight Ball quite a bit.

    What I Watched While Playing: Been watching Waffles McGregor's old streams.

    Today’s Funny Picture:
    Little Misc-y
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,507
    We use beetles to trade like that. Make your beetle his friend.

     Or y'all could have gone somewhere alone and dropped the bags on the ground since neither of you could hold them all.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Congratulations on your collection :)

    Generally speaking, luck gives a boost to loot. 
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518

    Day 22  I've swapped to my tamer Slatra to train animal taming.  I'll use my tamer for High Seas content.  I prioritized animal taming so I can get some pets bonding.  I really love the UO-cah site too! So I'm very interested in getting into that content and training a pet.  I put a bag o'eggs on my vendor to try and keep the cash flow going while I train taming.

    Shard crashed at what I think of as peak gaming hours.  8:30pm ish.  I think some of the guild were doing Blackthorns too. 

    I did manage to get taming up to 105 today! So woohoo.  The new taming system looks interesting but a lot of pets were updated in CC and not EC.  The Tsuki Wolf is still looking good for my first pet until I get used to the system.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: You ready your pet for combat, increasing its battle effectiveness! for about 10 hours.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: This one is from EC.  I was making a macro with the combat training mastery and delay.  I made it repeat 10 times, but I also kept inputting the commands in addition to the repeat.  After you get it past 5-6 commands, the box graphics kind of keep extending in the background as shadow buttons.  

    Today's Question: Is Mac short for macaroni or an acronym for Macaroni and Cheese?

    Items I'm Hunting: Daemon Bone Helm and Animal Taming primer 3 for consume.

    Today’s Recommendation: Make a bounty system for wiki articles/items.  Maybe offer sovereigns? I wasn't able to find some of the items I got from the IDOC.

    Favorite Moment This Session: I sold 100 common eggs for 10 mil.  

    Favorite Player Seen: Lex (Leviathan) and Marge gave me some stuff.  I got the daemon bone gloves from Marge and Lex passed me a couple 15 minute Animal Lore alacrity scrolls.

    What I Watched While Playing: I watched a lot today.  I'm currently watching Angel season 4.  But I also watched some Youtube.  Girlfriend Reviews did a second vid on Elden Ring.  I think all gamers should play the game and try to enjoy it at least to the point of beating the first boss Margit.  It does take a lot of willpower to get into it, similar to UO.  There's a lot the game doesn't tell you and you have to gather from the net, but you can also just goof your way through it very slowly.  It's difficult and beating Margit is truly a great feeling.

    Today’s Funny Picture:

    40 Of The Most Awesome Randoms Youll See All Day
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Animal taming is incredibly draining and boring.  I'm gonna take a couple days from the daily logs and just work it to 120. Sorry, it wouldn't make for great stuff anyways as I'm just sitting here and watching Angel while fighting the idle warning boss.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,507
    Feigr said:
    Animal taming is incredibly draining and boring.  I'm gonna take a couple days from the daily logs and just work it to 120. Sorry, it wouldn't make for great stuff anyways as I'm just sitting here and watching Angel while fighting the idle warning boss.
    You need to prepare for the upcoming Dynamic Dungeon.  Now is a good time to get your skills up and have toons ready to kill.  Will begin after the 22nd. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I do have a relevant question to UO now that I think about it and before I start the journal again...

    Lex gave me 30 minutes worth of Animal Lore Alacrity scrolls.  When should I pop them for the most returns? I don't want to use them too early or too late.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    So how long were you really gone?  Your first post acts like it was forever when in reality it was what maybe 2 years if you even left.  Amazing in just such a short time you have amassed so much

    I'm resubbing, but just wanted to test.  Just FYI Mariah,  let me know when you get all information you need and I'll resub later when I get off work. @ Mariah

    End of Subscription Notification

    Your subscription for Broadsword Online Games Ultima Online for Game Account MyAccount has ended for the following reason:

    • Subscription is not set to renew
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2022
    I've thought a while on how to respond to you Frodo.  The tone of your post made me think it as accusatory.  I did not want to respond defensively and call you names.

    My first post is accurate and in no way misleading.  I come and go from this game pretty frequently.  The account I'm posting and playing on is over a year old in total.  Every character on this account is new.  When I return to the game, sometimes, I like to start over.  I've made a commitment to myself that Feigr and characters I create on Chesapeake will be permanent.  

    I'm looking forward to NL very much and I would like to establish a home community shard.  Chesapeake is and always will be my favorite shard.  I  enjoy everyone on the shard.  I even find some enjoyment with the less savory of players on the shard.

    All but the smallest amounts of gold have been obtained since post # 1 of this video and I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say I've amassed so much.  The house I've posted pictures of is empty of everything except efreet chests and Spring holiday items. The only gift I haven't mentioned was from hong kong.  He gave me a mil to customize the house after I placed it next to the Tea House.

    In 2018 I had a small streaming audience of just under 1000 viewers.  I mostly streamed Warcraft 1 and 2 content to get a small audience going when it was released  on GOG.  Some of the viewers were interested in me playing Ultima because GOG gave away free copies of a few of the games.  I swapped between Rimworld and Terraria as well.  

    Feeling that UO was a good mix of sandbox and Ultima from my youth... I jumped into UO.  It did not go well, but I tried to play for a while after off stream.  It became too much to balance and I wasn't enjoying it while playing other games.  It was too much time sitting at a computer.  Especially with my day job also being at a computer.

    I no longer stream except with friends on Discord.  I cut out a lot of hobbies from my life because I tried to do too much and never got good at any of them.  Today I read and I play UO as a hobby.  UO also let's me do other things because it's a very passive game.

    I didn't owe you this thought out reply to what I consider a argumentative post, but you are right.  I don't think my first post insinuated some long hiatus, but in case there is any misconception for people worth talking to, I have played UO before.  I enjoy UO.  I've never been good at it.  I did not do all content in 2018.  I still have questions. I mostly like melee templates and I've refused stubbornly to make a "sampire."

    I am excited for NL and I see a possible outcome of it being what I've always thought should happen with UO.  So I'm playing the game and supporting.  I think the players on Chesapeake are amazing people and I want to play with them as well.
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Feigr said:
    I've thought a while on how to respond to you Frodo.  The tone of your post made me think it as accusatory.  I did not want to respond defensively and call you names.

    My first post is accurate and in no way misleading.  I come and go from this game pretty frequently.  The account I'm posting and playing on is over a year old in total.  Every character on this account is new.  When I return to the game, sometimes, I like to start over.  I've made a commitment to myself that Feigr and characters I create on Chesapeake will be permanent.  

    I'm looking forward to NL very much and I would like to establish a home community shard.  Chesapeake is and always will be my favorite shard.  I  enjoy everyone on the shard.  I even find some enjoyment with the less savory of players on the shard.

    All but the smallest amounts of gold have been obtained since post # 1 of this video and I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say I've amassed so much.  The house I've posted pictures of is empty of everything except efreet chests and Spring holiday items. The only gift I haven't mentioned was from hong kong.  He gave me a mil to customize the house after I placed it next to the Tea House.

    In 2018 I had a small streaming audience of just under 1000 viewers.  I mostly streamed Warcraft 1 and 2 content to get a small audience going when it was released  on GOG.  Some of the viewers were interested in me playing Ultima because GOG gave away free copies of a few of the games.  I swapped between Rimworld and Terraria as well.  

    Feeling that UO was a good mix of sandbox and Ultima from my youth... I jumped into UO.  It did not go well, but I tried to play for a while after off stream.  It became too much to balance and I wasn't enjoying it while playing other games.  It was too much time sitting at a computer.  Especially with my day job also being at a computer.

    I no longer stream except with friends on Discord.  I cut out a lot of hobbies from my life because I tried to do too much and never got good at any of them.  Today I read and I play UO as a hobby.  UO also let's me do other things because it's a very passive game.

    I didn't owe you this thought out reply to what I consider a argumentative post, but you are right.  I don't think my first post insinuated some long hiatus, but in case there is any misconception for people worth talking to, I have played UO before.  I enjoy UO.  I've never been good at it.  I did not do all content in 2018.  I still have questions. I mostly like melee templates and I've refused stubbornly to make a "sampire."

    I am excited for NL and I see a possible outcome of it being what I've always thought should happen with UO.  So I'm playing the game and supporting.  I think the players on Chesapeake are amazing people and I want to play with them as well.
    Great tat you're enjoying it. Don´t mind some people who are ALWAYS argumentative, and keep on having fun, at your pace doing whatever you want and like, it is a sandbox.. a huge one!  :)
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
    Feigr said:
    ...  I think the players on Chesapeake are amazing people and I want to play with them as well.

    Thank you :p

    Speaking for myself LOL, it's nice to see players with so much enthusiasm!
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518

    Day 23 I took that break and trained taming/lore. It was very boring and mostly just me watching TV and making sure the idle timer boss didn't disconnect me.  I tamed a gaman and we became intimate over the course of a few days.  I wish combat training stacked.  I lored all over this gaman.  To celebrate getting to 120 I named him Betty.  I do plan on training him up to a 4 slot.  According to UO-cah he's in the 200% range of intelligence at 75.  

    The last two days weren't uneventful.  We did have a PaxLair meeting and PaxLair grouped up for some more Navery.  Both events were fun and very enjoyable.  The goblins are always the highlight for me.

    I feel bad about acknowledging a negative post in this thread and wanted to step away from that and acknowledge the other replies I got that were helpful.  I did read your replies and they were indeed very helpful.

    Thank you dvvid, TXEggplant, Pawain, Stingard, Mariah, McDougle, Marge LOL, Jepeth, and Drakelord.  All have been useful.  


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: 

    Biggest Bug Encountered: This one was useful to me, but I think it was unintended.  When I macro'd Animal Lore in EC with delay commands to cycle Animal Lore, Delay 2 Seconds, Animal Lore, Delay 2 seconds... etc.  The gump for animal lore would not come up.  This allowed me to get gains without closing the animal lore gump.  Doing this manually would give me a wait message until I close the gump.  With the macro, the gump won't even pop up.

    Today's Question: None, thank you!

    Items I'm Hunting: Daemon Bone Helm and Animal Taming primer 3 for consume.

    Today’s Recommendation: I'm going to do a repeat.  I can't understate how much I'd like a stat stone like I recommended before.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Getting to 120 Animal Taming and 120 Animal Lore could not beat finally naming the gaman that helped me do it and putting it in the stable to bond.

    Favorite Player Seen: Hung out a lot with Lex.

    What I Watched While Playing: Angel

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518

    Day 24 Last night I solo tamed a tsuki wolf hue 1175. It took me a while to get one to spawn.  I killed a lot with Feigr and then swapped to Slatra to tame when one spawned.  The spawn is right next to my place so it wasn't too bad.  

    I then went on a taming spree and solo tamed a dread spider, rune beetle, and GREATER DRAGON.  The greater dragon was definitely the highlight for me.  I first tried destard, but it was too packed.  I went to the Valor shrine and ran along the mountains until I found a solo greater dragon.  I energy bolted it down to 50% health, which took a while needless to say.  It's breath attack was almost killing me and getting poisoned was no bueno.  Once at 50% I spammed my tame button until I saw the begin taming message.  It took a while to get used to the distance.  It's hard to really tell with gargoyle so I landed and did it on foot.

    I know people don't like Greater Dragons for good reasons, but it's a good pet for me to start with without needing to train it.  I can also use it to weaken other beasts and stable it before taming.

    They're all in the stable now with Betty bonding.  

    I ran around with Feigr to gather another 100 eggs to sell.  People are wising up to the good spots though so it took about double the time it usually does.

    I plan on working on Brokkr, my mule, while the pets bond.  I'm gonna get him to where he can make some cannons and supplies for High Seas.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: The chat was really moving last night, but I had to concentrate.  I didn't watch chat too much.  They were doing Grizzled or something and I know much fun was had.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: This atrocity needs to be made a priority.

    Today's Question: How does the bonding timer work exactly? I remember sometimes it would take me nine days to get a pet bonded and other times eight, but it never felt like seven.

    Items I'm Hunting: Daemon Bone Helm and Taming Primer 3.

    Today’s Recommendation: Add stable slots to character menu.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Solo taming a greater dragon!

    Favorite Player Seen: Scarlett

    What I Watched While Playing: O Brother Where Art Thou?

    Today’s Funny Picture:

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,507
    Bonding timer is exactly 7 days. Feed the pet. I rename them like MonSevenTenPM. Feed it again at that time or later and it is bonded. Only thing that would increase it would be a shard revert.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,932
    edited April 2022
    This atrocity needs to be made a priority

    Yup, it was submitted several years ago.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2022

    Day 25 I tamed a Fire Beetle solo.  It was pretty hard with a gargoyle because I couldn't just jump on and ride it out.  I "stayed" the beetle and ran out.  Logged in and out at my place.  Someone said to invis it too and I'll probably do that next time.  Borganne helped me transfer the fire beetle to my mule and it's bonding now.

    I got mining to 75 on the mule.  I'm mostly going to get ingots from pirates, but I do find leveling mining soothing.  

    I joined the Auction last night and got two spellbooks.  One undead slayer for 300k.  Another Corgul's was going for 100k, but someone outbid me for 200k.  I vendor searched and found it for 100k.  I also bought 9 or 10 rare eggs for 2 mil.  I was able to immediately sell one of the 9 or 10 for 1 mil.  I'm pretty sure I can sell at least another few for at least a mil.

    People were bidding like crazy on the Spring stuff last night.  Even the commons.  I was strongly tempted to grab my sets and sell them.  I don't think perching the parrots was a smart idea.  You can't tell the colors of them when you axe the perches.  It probably would have been better to sell them unperched.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: The worst trash talking I've ever seen between PVPers.  It was hilariously bad.  I think one of them even apologized.  I'm not sure I've ever seen someone lose PVP in chat before.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: I had niter deposits spawning in the mountains.  I had to control+shift to mine them.  Also mining them doesn't appear to give gains.  And the macro had a much weirder interaction with niter deposits than mining ore.

    I was being more sarcastic with my last bug in saying it needed to be made a priority, in case it wasn't clear.

    Today's Question: How're you pricing your items in UO?

    Items I'm Hunting: Daemon Bone Helm and Taming Primer 3.

    Today’s Recommendation: This one may be harder to implement than it's worth, but what about a mail delivery system? When mailboxes are secured give them an ID that people can see in the tooltip.  Players can put mail in their mailbox at their house and overnight it will be delivered to the addressed mailbox.  For a fee.  I dunno.. I thought about it because Scarlett left a dead body in my mailbox.  LOL

    Favorite Moment This Session: The Auction

    Favorite Player Seen: Susan, at the auction.  She had an evening dress on.  

    What I Watched While Playing: Big Brother Season 23

    Today’s Funny Picture:

    41 Of The Most Awesome Randoms Youll See All Day
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,486
    My niter mining macro is 'target nearest object' then the shovel, with target set to 'current' and a delay of 0.2, repeat set to 10.  It will keep going, targeting the smaller pieces as you go.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    "Biggest Bug Encountered: This atrocity needs to be made a priority."

    "I was being more sarcastic with my last bug in saying it needed to be made a priority, in case it wasn't clear."

    You were right the first time! The EC paper dolls are horrendous! (not to mention my poor lovely llamas!) I dressed up Susan all cute one night for Auction and out of curiosity logged into EC to see how it looked it there. I shouldn't have; I still have nightmares of that atrocity. I don't know why the artist who designed the doll and the clothing in EC hated us so much. Once New Legacy is up and running this needs to be on their fix list.


  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518

    Day 26 Killed a lot of efreets today to try to get a daemon bone skull.  I got a 2nd pair of legs and chest so far and a lot of treasure maps, but no skull helm.

    I bought five more soulstones and swapped Swordsmanship and Lumberjacking for Fencing and Parrying to train those while killing efreets.  They were GM'd.

    Rav helped me tame a Shadow Dragon.  It has max HP/strength almost, but it is just over 50% intensity.  Slugwarp was doing a treasure chest and let me tame a cold drake off it.  I've got them bonding now.


    Funniest Thing Seen in Chat: Not much going on in chat.

    Biggest Bug Encountered: I keep hearing the healing jingle.  I'm alone in my house, I'm dead, I'm in the middle of nowhere.  It keeps playing the jingle.  I've tried logging out for over an hour.  I've tried dying.  

    Today's Question: None.

    Items I'm Hunting: Daemon Bone Helm and Taming Primer 3.

    Today’s Recommendation: When I place items on my vendor in EC Grid Mode, CC users are telling me they can't see all the eggs because they are stacked on top of each other.  Maybe add a similar option to Vendor Search maps that opens the container.  "Buy item" or something like that.  A cc user can see it in vendor search and buy it through the map.

    Favorite Moment This Session: Shadow Dragon taming with Rav.

    Favorite Player Seen: Chatted with Isobel about shows and such.

    What I Watched While Playing: Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, was alright.  Bunch of one-liners.  Not sure what I was expecting.  I also listened to some Paranormal Activity movies I'd already seen to kind of catch up before watching some newer ones.  And some Big Brother of course. Isobel recommended some Randonautica vids on Youtube, the one I found was silly.  But interesting if you like the kind of found video/urban exploration stuff.

    Today’s Funny Picture:
    dank memes - tomboy memes - 80 chance 80 chance in real life in video games
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,377Moderator
    When stocking vendors use the macro action 'toggle legacy containers' from the 'other' section of 'actions'. This will allow you to stock so that CC users can see your items.

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