Blackthorns on TC

@Kyronix Just went to Blackthorns on TC and while the dungeon rooms are back to normal, there is no spawn besides the active town.  Is the spawn coming back?


  • GrooGroo Posts: 1
    Wondering the same
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,784
    I went down there to check it out too.
    And it was the first time that I tried getting on my mount there.
    I was kinda freaking out when it told me I had too many followers.

    Then someone told me that I was trying to get on my mount and that you can't get on it there.

    Is there a reason that you can't ride the rideable polar bear in Dungeon Blackthorn?
    you can ride an ethereal horse there, but not the Rideable Polar Bear...

    (I noticed this on TC, but its like that on production shard. And I was told its always been that way. I usually always go in there using the crystal portal and always on a pet. )


    About the spawn at Blackthorns... Was it always there before they took it away? 

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,204Dev
    The only spawn in the dungeon will be the Captain areas pending future development of the rest of the dungeon.
  • Kyronix said:
    The only spawn in the dungeon will be the Captain areas pending future development of the rest of the dungeon.
    Sadface, used to take a lot of new players there to train ,was great with the fast spawn and segmented rooms of varying levels.  Fel side was great too, having them kill the script bots in there was a good introduction to PvP for them.
  • I'll miss working on Fame/Honor by killing the Balrons in Fel Blackthorns.  Also the Gold Ele's were a good source of Crystalline Blackrock.  If you removed them due to scripters, just leave the mobs in the Fel dungeon and the players can take care of them ;)
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,020
    Kyronix said:
    The only spawn in the dungeon will be the Captain areas pending future development of the rest of the dungeon.

    I feel like removing content and making a dungeon worthless is the opposite of what you should be doing in a 22 year old game that hasn't had an expansion since September 8, 2009 (Stygian Abyss) but hey, who am I?  o:)
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