Search for Skattles

To whom it may concern -

Vesper has recently spearheaded efforts to locate its former canine governor, Skattles II, who has been missing for some time. We've put out an ASTOUNDING ten THOUSAND gold reward for information leading to his whereabouts.

I am happy to report a local merchant has responded to our missives and we will be meeting him on Sunday, August 12th, at 8PM Central.

Interested parties should gather at the Vesper offices and meeting hall, located at {3020, 554, 0} in Trammel - Northeast of Vesper's north entrance. Alternatively, we've arranged for moongates to be provided from the Luna bank.

I look forward to seeing all our concerned citizens there, so we can finally put this issue behind us and get on with the business of running Vesper.

- From the desk of Qualark Ventes,
Governor of Vesper
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