Rare Nightmare End Date?
Is there an official end date on the rare hue nightmares? I'm just curious on if I'll need to stock up on more totems and didn't see anything official anywhere.

Lady Sylph/Lady Gem Star/Rainbow Star
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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The rare colored nightmare spawn could be tied to MoE and the team could add a new nightmare color or two to the tables each year, similar to adding new art to the artisan festival each year.
I even, you won't believe this, made a spreadsheet for it!
All the @ are my hue id additions, which I pulled from Stratics. You'd probably want an artist to pick the colors and make them "Halloweeny", but I was just trying to layout some themes for the rarities.
See, plenty of space to add new colors and make more money from totems each year!
If they felt like it, they could add the same color variations and rarities to the Shadow Hounds.
In fact, there may be an identical Shadow Hound layout just underneath the Nightmare layout in my spreadsheet. There might even be a third animal ('cause UO has 3 principles and 8 virtues) underneath the Shadow Hounds.
I feel like at this point it's not so much those players (including myself) wanting to keep them rare as the fact it was stated they were "Limited Time" so we dropped a ton of money on totems to get stuff and if they make them permanent that's a slap in the face and will make people not believe in purchasing store items anymore unfortunately.
Having a slim chance to spawn without buying items is one thing like blaze Cu, but having a slim to none chance after buying additional items then it should be left limited.
Other colors should be brought into game permanently.
Do you have a link to where they stated the nightmare colors would be limited?
Also, even if they weren't limited time, a lot of people would have dropped money on totems just to get the "new hottness." I never interpreted them as being limited, and I've bought ~10 totems.
The rare colored nightmares are just rare colored nightmares. Arguably, they're not a meta pet, and I'm not sure many tamers will switch to using them as their primary pet, or at least I haven't seen it.
So when it comes down to it, the only thing they have going for them is bank sitting, which can pull a fair price from collectors I suppose, but the collectors are also probably the people with multiple uber rare mares in their stables.
Blaze Cu's are rare, and still worth money. There is nothing saying that these mares if made permanent won't maintain the same value. But I doubt the mares will ever hit the 15+ Plat that people are claiming in game general chat.
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"For a limited time only!" is pretty vague. On purpose I would suspect.
Macy's has a "limited time" spring sale for bedding, every sping.
Starbuck's sells pumpkin spice latte's each fall for "a limited time".
McDonald's puts new items in their menu constantly "for a limited time" of about 6 months, then brings them back again a year or so later "for a limited time" of another 6 months.
"A limited time" is just marketing speak to drive consumer purchases.
Companies use it because it works.
Anyone remember the original green soul stones? You know, the ones you got from pre-ordering Samurai Empire? The green soul stones the developers at the time guaranteed would never again be available in game; "You can only ever get them from pre-ordering Samurai Empire, get as many boxes as you can now!" Those same green soul stones we can now buy directly from the in-game store, in quantities as large as we desire. Those turned out to not be so rare after all, eh?
We'll see, but I'm guessing these nightmare colors are popular enough, and generating enough $$$ in totem sales, they will find their way back into the game at some point.
But yeah, it could be yearly limited, and return every Fall around Halloween or something.
The lack of response may be an indication that they're not going away, and the team just doesn't know how to announce it or doesn't want the backlash.
If they do go away, I'd expect them to be available to farm up until the end of the event cycle, which ends sometime next spring I think?
We NEED a candy cane skinned pet for Xmas. Not a vanity either.
Permanent would require passion and commitment.. as for the NM mini game.. this was no bribe.. this is a limited time lootbox "event", they just needed to copy and pasta some new color on top of F'ing over a couple EC tamer to achieve their means.. imagine if they had put the effort of offering some theorycrafting/sandboxy with unique resist (not something stronger just switch the resist like red = higher than 80 fire resist, etc)
Do not get more wrong tho.. i'd LOVE more permanent stuff and LESS bribe (let returning and new player farm the heretic items at ALL time).. like only one solid event every 18months would be MORE than enough.. if the sandbox was still a sandbox.. and not an automated botted theme gated game for third party users.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I would keep an eye out on uo.com for information!
Just as I suspected. Winging it. Lol.
No idea why the most simple of things are made into complicated issues. It's a projected estimated end date, not a nuke code.
More pressure to buy totem.. a feeling of @urge pun intended. Sorry about this one, I know it's bad.. but it was just too easy.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio