NL Alpha Progression Updates

With the announcement of NL alpha starting now is not the time to let off the slack and become content with waiting again. If anything it is going to be important to be given the player base, AT MINIMUM, weekly updates on how things are going. Many of us would like to know how the future of our game is coming along. 

Have the 50 testers been chosen?

Have they been briefed on what alpha testing is and what is expected of them?

Do you have plans on adding more testers as time goes on or are you waiting until beta? 

How have you made sure you are getting a fair mix of pvp and pvm players to test all the functions?

With the NDA in place we have no way of knowing anything, let alone if any testers have even been picked. With no information or updates for all we know this could be a stalling tactic, which I would like to think, it is not. 



  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    the tester have been picked and are testing
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    edited August 2023
    With the announcement of NL alpha starting now is not the time to let off the slack and become content with waiting again. If anything it is going to be important to be given the player base, AT MINIMUM, weekly updates on how things are going. Many of us would like to know how the future of our game is coming along. 

    Have the 50 testers been chosen?
    This is the only answer we have at the moment which is "Yes". They said they sent out emails last week I believe to the testers. That said, there was no mention of how long people had to respond / sign the NDA so this might still be in progress.

    How have you made sure you are getting a fair mix of pvp and pvm players to test all the functions?

    Not confirmed but the selection process was supposedly "random" with the only requirements being a paid account in good standing. I doubt they asked people their background or playstyle.

    You do create a fair point though that I've had too about the quality of testing. Many (responsible) people didn't bother signing up for Alpha because they couldn't commit the time to it. I'm wondering myself if they laid out expectations for testing and if people couldn't fulfill them, if they would select more people (so there were 50 active testers) or just leave it at whatever number. It would be a shame to have someone using a testing spot that is only going to log in for 2 hours for the entirety of Alpha testing.
  • UO players are some of the whiniest and entitled people around, holy cow. You are not shareholders, you are not board members. There are posts on these forums demanding a rundown of every little thing the team is working on. "We demand progress reports, what systems are you currently working on, what's your next task?!".

    I'm sure they'll get right on those TPS reports for you. If they spent the time to answer all the "demands" you people have, they would never have time to actually do anything.

    Besides the fact that your first demand listed is "Have the 50 testers been chosen?", when there is a post on stating such:

    So you are already showing you don't believe what they say if you need it reiterated AGAIN that testers have been chosen. But unfortunately you seem to be drinking the mcdougle and keven2002 kool-aid.

    "With the NDA in place we have no way of knowing anything". Yes, that's called an NDA. It's working as intended. Congrats on figuring out how they work.

    What are you honestly expecting from weekly updates? "Testers under NDA are still testing". Wow, so engaging.

    You think they are going to give you specifics on what those chosen for alpha are actually testing, how they are testing it, WHO is testing it, etc.? Not with an NDA in place.

    First looks at content are vitally important. Giving players access to an unfinished project without strict guidelines in place for talking about their experience has the chance to taint the mass public's opinion of something before it's even released.

    It's a closed alpha test that they let anyone that wanted to try it, sign up for. It's not advanced access to the game, its not getting the phat lewtz before everyone else. All game companies have closed testing. Most times you don't even hear about closed alpha testing.

    If there's going to be a second round of alpha testing, I'm sure they will tell us when that time comes. Same with a closed beta, or open beta.

  • @MinocMiner you could have said all that without the added keyboard warrior tone. I quit reading after the 3rd rude comment. Try again later or be quiet. Thanks. 
  • @ MinocMiner you could have said all that without the added keyboard warrior tone. I quit reading after the 3rd rude comment. Try again later or be quiet. Thanks. 

    The truth always hurts. :D
  • The truth always hurts. :D

    Anyways. Back on topic. Seeing as how we all pay for this game, ya, I think some updates are not asking for too much. 
  • RonFellowsRonFellows Posts: 135
    Its not about entitlement. Asking for more regular updates isn't entitlement. It's a result of six months of silence before the last update. It's left people that are excited for something new anxious that they are being promised vaporware. 

    You cannot fault people asking for more communication. It doesn't even have to be a news release, I think people would even be happy with a weekly sentence or two from one of the devs on a locked thread.

    i.e. "Hey everyone, we are excited to announce that our alpha testers have begun testing and we have already received some great feedback." *attach a photo of some people doing something in game*
  • Its not about entitlement. Asking for more regular updates isn't entitlement. It's a result of six months of silence before the last update. It's left people that are excited for something new anxious that they are being promised vaporware. 

    You cannot fault people asking for more communication. It doesn't even have to be a news release, I think people would even be happy with a weekly sentence or two from one of the devs on a locked thread.

    i.e. "Hey everyone, we are excited to announce that our alpha testers have begun testing and we have already received some great feedback." *attach a photo of some people doing something in game*

    It's not about asking FOR communication, it's the demanding tone of HOW people are asking for it.

    Exhibit A: "If anything it is going to be important to be given the player base, AT MINIMUM, weekly updates on how things are going"

    Right off the bat, a demand for weekly updates at a minimum.

    They have given screenshot teasers in newsletters before, everyone complains about them. "They only give us some stupid screenshot!" "They should be giving us a rundown of all systems they are working on and what their goal for the next 2 weeks are!" Yea, ok.

    No level of communication is good enough for some people here, and it shows.

    UO does not have a community manager. Does it need one? Hell yes, badly. But it does not have one. You cannot fault developers for not constantly posting to a forum to placate users instead of trying to get their work done.

    Could the communication be better? Of course.

    Honestly, the OP just sounds like someone that is extremely salty they didn't get picked for alpha testing and now they are whining lack of communication.
  • EpicLuteGamingEpicLuteGaming Posts: 47
    edited August 2023
    Honestly, the OP just sounds like someone that is extremely salty they didn't get picked for alpha testing and now they are whining lack of communication.
    I play like 2 days a week...I wouldn't have been a good choice for testing right now. That is why I want updates about it.

    Again, you are trying too hard to be a tough guy with your attempts to troll but I do appreciate the obsession with me. Notice in all our communications I use words to convey a point and you use them to try to provoke and derail. You are a troll who loves me and I love you too, now shoo.
  • No trolling bro. All my replies have been on the topic you started.

    Yes, I know who you are Patrick. I used to watch your stream many months ago. It used to be entertaining and enjoyable. Then you fell down the dev bashing rabbit hole. It's unfortunate really. You could have been a great presence for UO. I guess it's just sad really to see this post coming from you in this way.
  • EpicLuteGamingEpicLuteGaming Posts: 47
    edited August 2023
    No trolling bro. All my replies have been on the topic you started.

    Yes, I know who you are Patrick. I used to watch your stream many months ago. It used to be entertaining and enjoyable. Then you fell down the dev bashing rabbit hole. It's unfortunate really. You could have been a great presence for UO. I guess it's just sad really to see this post coming from you in this way.
    I appreciate the input, this is not about who I am, this is about WANTING INFORMATION ON THE GAME WE ALL PLAY. I have and will always speak my mind about UO...if being critical of the devs is seen as bashing in anyone's eyes, then that is what it is. 

    Again, lets keep on topic. Thank you. 

    *EDIT* You are right, you have been on topic, but the topic seems to be focusing on me asking in a way you dislike and not the topic of the thread. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited August 2023
    Write the following on a sticky note:

    NL is not ready to go live yet.

    Stick it on your monitor. Every time you look at your monitor you are 100% up to date. 

    When NL is released you can remove the note.

    In the mean time, play another game. Steam has thousands. Come back for anniversary gifts, then Treasures of the Feudal Lands, then the usual December events.

    NL will not be out this year. Unless you are a tester.


    Unless they add something new to the Artisan festival, this will be the last 4 items that complete the set.  So many will be trying to get the last items and sell a complete set before the prices drop. Get your items organized.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    Write the following on a sticky note:

    NL is not ready to go live yet.

    Stick it on your monitor. Every time you look at your monitor you are 100% up to date. 

    When NL is released you can remove the note.

    In the mean time, play another game. Steam has thousands. Come back for anniversary gifts, then Treasures of the Feudal Lands, then the usual December events.

    NL will not be out this year. Unless you are a tester.
    I am trying to focus on what I can do, not what I can't...which would be to ask for updates on testing and how it is progressing. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Well you did that. Do we need a daily asking, we already have someone that does that. The only time a dev comes here is when there is a lull in NL work. Like we had while the testing stone was out.

    They feel it is more important to work on NL than come here to tell us it is not ready yet.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    Pawain said:
    Write the following on a sticky note:

    NL is not ready to go live yet.

    Stick it on your monitor. Every time you look at your monitor you are 100% up to date. 

    When NL is released you can remove the note.

    In the mean time, play another game. Steam has thousands. Come back for anniversary gifts, then Treasures of the Feudal Lands, then the usual December events.

    NL will not be out this year. Unless you are a tester.
    I am trying to focus on what I can do, not what I can't...which would be to ask for updates on testing and how it is progressing. 
    you do know what NDA means...yes?

    All we are allowed to know at this juncture is that 50 people are testing NL alpha.....

    That's it....testing hasn't been going on for that takes time...and no one can say anything because...well...


    We will get updates when there are updates to get.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    Testers can not discuss developers are free to give status updates 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited August 2023
    I should have written post.  And that is the latest lull period that post is from.

    I do not stalk their viewing the forums so I do not know when they read them.  :D

    So you are showing that a dev reads the posts we make. So it is a choice to not give replies or updates.  Their choice whether we like it or not.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 520Moderator
    Yes. Alpha testing is a thing. There is an NDA is effect. No one is allowed to discuss the alpha testing with out approval from Broadsword.
This discussion has been closed.