
Why, since they are a weapon for mages, can't they also be imbued like every other weapon in the game? I think that even with some limitations, this would be a great things for mages. 
Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
Governor of Moonglow

Discord: txeggplant


  • Imbuing is pretty weak to begin with so allowing spellbooks to be imbued doesn't really do a whole lot.
    Often at events Spellbooks are one of the most frequent rewards offered and that's probably the best way to keep introducing new spellbooks.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,651
    Add fishing poles to the list and the fact that you can't imbue simple things like nightsite is absurd 
  • SynnSynn Posts: 17
    Why, since they are a weapon for mages, can't they also be imbued like every other weapon in the game? I think that even with some limitations, this would be a great things for mages. 
     Agree!!! +10  
    I think we need a little upgrade for imbuing.  It's been a bit stagnant for abit.  I think it might be time to add some of the properties like Hit Fatigue, Hit Mana Drain, Bane, etc. to the it.  Or at least make the ingredients obtainable.  As for the difficulty to get them, that's up to them but at least make them obtainable. 

    They would probably need to revisit the imbuing point scale again.  500-600 is decent and doesjob majority of the time.  But seeing some of these legendary artifacts that are over 1000 imbuing points from a boss is a bit crazy.  Ya, it should be that way, but maybe keep the imbuing still slightly lower than that but not too much lower since it's customized.  Of course, the difficulty of getting the materials and collecting the ingredients should be challenging but also satisfying once completed. 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    I agree with all the concepts.

    Improve Imbuing on Spellbooks, add missing Imbue properties - but I'd also like to see Inscription boosted - it can even be done within the existing mechanic's somehow - the BoD reward spellbook improvement talisman being upgraded - at the moment that Talisman is so vague, no-one has a clue what it does, that is not helpful.
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
    Imbuing is pretty weak to begin with so allowing spellbooks to be imbued doesn't really do a whole lot.
    Often at events Spellbooks are one of the most frequent rewards offered and that's probably the best way to keep introducing new spellbooks.
    I don't really know how to explain this succinctly because I just woke up but ... I think the game would benefit by having less rewards bestowed upon us as a reward for grinding out the hours needed to get that reward.

    I would rather spend an hour working within the skills I already invested time in to get a high-end item. And that's for all weapons and armor.

    Basically, the way it is now ... Players get participation trophies. The more time you spend participating, the better the trophy is. And, the more characters you have doing the same thing the better the trophy. Otherwise why would we have all these scripters??

    I don't know that everybody wants to be rewarded for spending time in a game. I would rather be rewarded for having the skill. I would rather know that as I got better at it, my chances of getting the really good item was better. I would rather that the more time I spent working on this skill would add to the chance of me getting the best item. And, I would rather know that if I am at the top of my inscription game.... I have just as much chance as the next person at the top of their inscription game of getting a good item through the skill. I don't know.. I guess I just wish there was more randomness rather than play x hours, get x eggs, get the spell book that everybody else has. I don't really want what everybody else has... I want what I need for my character. I want to be able to build my character around the way I play. Not build my character according to the items the game gives me as a reward for spending time in the game.

    I feel that way about all crafted items. But for this conversation, I feel like mages do get kind of the short shaft because we always have a spell book in our hand so it is part of our armor set.
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999

       Imbuing for spellbooks sounds fine, I would assume it would have the same list of imbu-able properties as Jewelry does (or just the properties that could currently, randomly appear on crafted books)?     the issue, is that with all the event books (even the scrappers compendium) that have come out in recent years, all have 25-50% SDI, nothing imbued is going to compete with that, at least on the Pvm side of things.

    If devs made spellbooks non-disarmable via weapon special 'disarm', then they'd be useful in pvp, since SDI is capped at 25/20% focus/non-focus (I'd like it to be 30% for focus/20% non-focus spec) as SDI is easy to reach that cap with other items used on most suits without the spellbook already.  -namely, Halo & Cuffs = 35% SDI.

    Maybe later down the line, as more high SDI artifacts get introduced for other slots, then imbu-able spellbooks may be equally useful in both pvm & pvp though.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    edited August 2023
    Not that I don't think spellbooks should be imbueable (my Scribe would like it) or that PVM mages in general have fallen way behind when compared to sampires/dexxers/archers, but they have addressed this at a Meet & Greet fairly recently:

    03/08/2021About power balance of Mage
    well we can add Slayer to weapons but can’t do the same to spell books, they are random
    so how about
    if we can add specific slayer to spell books bu imbueing?
    Mesanna: We will not be doing that
    Mesanna: we are keeping that ability for us to be able to give out “special” items
    Mesanna: we are not giving the players the ability to add slayer to spellbooks
  • SynnSynn Posts: 17
    edited August 2023
    Jepeth said:
    Not that I don't think spellbooks should be imbueable (my Scribe would like it) or that PVM mages in general have fallen way behind when compared to sampires/dexxers/archers, but they have addressed this at a Meet & Greet fairly recently:

    03/08/2021About power balance of Mage
    well we can add Slayer to weapons but can’t do the same to spell books, they are random
    so how about
    if we can add specific slayer to spell books bu imbueing?
    Mesanna: We will not be doing that
    Mesanna: we are keeping that ability for us to be able to give out “special” items
    Mesanna: we are not giving the players the ability to add slayer to spellbooks

    Didn't know that was a response from Messana. Hopefully, her view has changed 2 years later.  IF they were updating the game frequently and introducing new content, then ya... i can see her point of view.  But when was the last time they introduced something "special", especially, a spellbook?  Most of the spellbook contents from Treasure/Turn In Events have been reskin books... SDI 50, MR 3, FC 1, LRC 10 or Slayer, DCI 10, SDI 30, FCR 2, LMC 5 - both could be gotten back from the town invasion event.  Yes, it's great for players that may have missed the invasion event, but not "special".  I believe the last spellbook that was "special" was Drogeni's Spellbook which was first introduced in the Tears of the Ice Dragon event back in Dec 2020 and then reintroduced again in the 2023 Spring Event.  To wait 3 years to get something new or "special" for a spellcaster.... that's pretty bad. 

    It just strengthens the argument to have the ability to imbue spellbooks.  Imbued spellbooks can have access to the current properties and ranges with the current inscription range.  Inscriptors can crafted spellbooks with higher intensities or "reforge" them.  And when a new event comes out, the UO team can introduce new properties or combos that can't be crafted.   This way, it keeps your player base occupied until a new event introduces a "special"  item.  
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